Step 1, dig big hole, step two, become one with tge ant people, step 3 never see daylight again
joined 10 months ago
I needed my wisdom teeth pulled, started smoking crack instead of paying those con artists aka "dentists". Anyways i was in crazy pain cuz my wisdom teeth were on the move. Started smoking crack and them hoes fell out all on they own. And my dentist wanted like 2k for that???? Like yeah no thanks ill take the crack
Speaking of which, any of yall got any crack??? Will pay in handies
them - "wHy iS tHe MeSsAgE fOcUsEd oN tHeM? whAt AbOuT mE?!", also them - "bUt tEsla iS bEiNG sPeciFiCalLy TaRgETeD"
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Mid and basic. Perfect for normies