
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Meanwhile most universities have been on strike like last week.

[–] 4 points 6 days ago

Wow that's pretty cool. If I read it correctly, that talk about flow rates comparable to those found in the human body even, so this is I guess... Pretty directly applicable?

[–] 6 points 6 days ago

The subtitles on the "meow" example under "Vocal communication" are nice.

[–] 51 points 6 days ago

Damn I'm gonna try that. Rob a bank and just continue robbing banks when they want to charge me.

Robbing a bank is a less gruesome analogy.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Oh, yeah I was looking it up, and I think it might be just the general CCD protocols in our institution which al involve neuroscience, and those specifically are not up for adoption ,(couldnt find if this actually was from an EU thing, but prolly depends on the type of animal and intervention).

And actually makes total sense. Some the relatively chil work in Wageningen with pets als falls under animal testing but it would feel wrong in those, mild cases.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Fucking love me some cattle decap, they did an awesome tour few weeks ago (heads up, their sweatpants are a bit short, buy one size larger than you think)

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Oh shit forreal? I used to work in the NL and there it wasn't allowed. You couldn't even had rodents as pets because the possible dangers of contamination. I thought it was an EU thing actually, but maybe it's just NL.

Edit: not necessarily and EU thing but animal/test dependent actually.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

Lol literally Recycling everything made of particles would be pretty sick

[–] 13 points 1 week ago

Difficult to admit yeah, but the lab mouse had an incredible CV in medicine

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Not in the EU I'm pretty sure

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Iets met al die kruiden die we overal vandaan hebben gehaald.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sounds cool. From the Cell article it seems that regulations are one of the biggest hurdles to n overcome though, hope that's something to overcome.


As the title says, looking for a case for my Axis Pedals. Hardcase hasn't dissapointed me on other cases, and I figures this one might be usefull for potential other future pedals. Anyone ever fit this pedal in this case?


Hey guys, i've got a weird thing that I might have fucked up a bit, but any tips are welcome.

I've got an old cheap guitar which I though I'd improve a bit with some other pickups I had. Installed the pickups, also got some new strings. So weirdly enough, for some reason the new strings touched the first few frets. I could adjust this at the bridge but it really needed to be lifted a lot, which screws up the action in my opinion. Didn't screw with any other part of the guitar besides pickup, the only reason I could imagine was that the neck was warped from sitting around without strings for a bit (but it wasn't even that long I believe? But maybe cheap guitar = cheap materials?).

The neck doesn't seem warped to the eye, but have to admit that I'm starting to doubt the straightness of my references for straightness. It feels as if the neck is ever so slightly crooked on the body (like leaning forward a bit), but again I can't imagine this suddenly happening when changing the pickups?

I know some might say "just take it to the shop" but I like DIYing and I really want to learn more about this stuff, and especially what the hell is going on. Anyone got any thoughts on this?

(Could post some pictures but on pictures nothing really stands out).


Hey guys,

Google isn't much help, so let's see if it works over here!

My laptop is probably starting to become a bit old with almost 3 years now, so it's starting to show some weird things. I've had a few times now that it random goes to sleep, just in the middle of doing whatever. In the windows Event Viewer I see that at the time, it registered that the sleep button was pressed / the laptop lid was closed (both of which didn't happen). A workaround at the moment is just selecting that the laptop doesn't go to sleep from the lid/button, but i'd like to find out if something can be done.

Anyone ever experience something like this, and have any tips on how to work on this? (Worst case the lid-detector is broken and sends out random TRUE values or something, which is probably not salvagable)

Machine is an ACER nitro 5 running Windows 10, so far always plugged in, almost 3 years old.


(Damn wasn't easy to find this community, still have to get the hang of lemmy. Great to have found you guys)

Hey guys, just bought a couple of On Triggers for the kick, those things you paste under your footboards of your pedals and align with the position when the beater hits the head. Pretty interesting concept, seems to work nicely on my e-kit with just using a Y- cable to put both triggers in one trigger input.

Moving to my acoustic kit, however, I use an Alesis Samplepad for samples and kick triggers. The same configuration, both triggers via a Y-splitter in the kick input makes one sound much softer. Sensitivity settings don't help much.

Interstingly, when using a very small mixer with just both triggers in a line-in and the main out towards the trigger input on the Samplepad seems to work perfectly. But damn, lot of messy cable nonsense and it doesn't feel like the best solution.

Anyone know a good way to work on this? Preferably without buying a new Samplepad/Module with more inputs, that's my plan B :')

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