I've always had real bad allergies. Even worse when I was younger and it would usually leave me with dry eyes. When I was a teenager I mistook eardrops for eyedrops. I will never forget that pain. I always triple check before I put anything in my eyes.
Personally no i never rooted for Walt. Don't get me wrong I still enjoyed his character and the show overall but I figured him to be a pretty bad guy from the start. Sometimes I just enjoy a show even when all the main characters are bad people. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is another example from a completely different genre. Most episodes end with those characters in a bad predicament based solely off of their poor actions, but that's what makes it interesting to watch for me. I would feel like a shitty person of i rooted for them because they are incredibly shitty people. Another example i can think of is Narcos. That show was wildly popular, but there's no way anyone can justify rooting for Pablo Escobar.
Anyway I guess that's all beside the point of why you may not like No Country for Old Men. I haven't seen that movie in a long time so I can't recall many details. But I can still appreciate reading your thoughts on what makes for good storytelling. There's really no right or wrong as far as I'm concerned, everyone has their preferences.
Do you not like any movies or shows where the main character is the bad guy? The Sopranos is my all time favorite show but I've never rooted for Tony. Breaking bad is great too but I still never rooted for Walter White.
They likely make a lot more money with their games on steam
I'm just quoting what the other user's screenshot of the AI said. I wouldn't assume it to be true lol.
Wafflestomping dates back to at least 18th century Belgium.
I downloaded the Volume Lock app and it works exactly as intended. I realized something about how I use my phone soon afterwards. When I receive a call at full volume, I tend to absent mindedly reduce the volume while my phone is ringing. If I were on the homescreen of my phone, this would reduce the master volume. However, it appears that if i reduce my volume while getting a call, it reduces only the ringtone volume. After that call is recieved, if i try to increase my volume again, my phone shows it at full. But my ringtone volume would still be low. Hope this helps anyone who may have this issue in the future.
I thought King quit twitter?
In all seriousness I 100% agree. Aside from the ethical reasons behind it, it's just really weird to do.
I remember breaking this game on my Xbox. There is a level in which you go through a hallway to come out if the other side larger or smaller compared to the environment. Eventually you can become to large to fit through the doorway, but you can continuously go through the doorway that makes you smaller. Eventually everything became so big in the game my Xbox couldn't handle the physics of everything and crashed lol.
Unfortunately students give up their first ammendment rights when they go to school.