Liberals, lol
Jesus almost certainly existed, Tacitus refers to his cult and execution and he was not a fan of the weirdo Jewish cannibal cult or their growing popularity in Rome.
Everything else is a bit more in question.
I think the distinction will come down to the frame and how you sit on it
They are/were. The pilots' union ratfucked them in the Reagan years and they never recovered because, ya know, the rest of the Reagan years.
Found the landlord
Probably a bad idea to complain about devs actually fixing a game
Trump was a Democrat until he realized the Republicans were dumb enough to vote for him. He'd respect self interest.
"We'll figure it out in time. Even the oligarchs can't be that greedy and short sighted."
What, the most famous scientist in the NCR isn't good enough for you?
If evil was both natural and convenient, everyone would be evil.
That is a stupid system that had absolutely no input from healthcare professionals and a lot from people that want to privatize healthcare.