Some people has had issues with the moderation tools for meetings and connection to shared work files and note books via web, although the people having issues where on Chromebooks so might be different with Edge
Biggest issue is teams Id guess. The nonprofit deals MS gives small nonprofits with free 365 licenses and management is a huge one around here
I've only seen outlet switches in the UK, unless you plugged into a roof lamp outlet where the switch are by the entrance door, but then you need a plug like these (at least here in sweden)
Imagine the arduino-clone boards with these... For very small hands!
I would just worry of asbestos or heavy metal contamination in the buildings, especially if I'm sleeping on or near the floor
Astarion has real power-bottom twink energy for sure
Im a low low ELO player but enjoy chess. I teached a kid how to play on a summer event, and the kid, probably around 10 years old, never did the same error twice and easily beat me on the third day (around 5 games a day vs me and who knows how many against the other event leaders)
Really humbling, but I think I helped kindle a new hobby for the kid
Maybe he would get the table if he actually said yes? He might need it for heaven to be heaven, and due to him not being able to be honest to God heaven will forever lack him a table.
This mod for Tiberian Sun is really great and really extends replayability!
Being a Raoul Wallenberg also made him lose his job due to speaking his mind, albeit a bit more drastically
Goldmember got charisma in droves though