Cry about a missing shape tool?
joined 9 months ago
The usual. Invest in bitcoin, not get married, become a girl 20 years earlier. Just common stuff.
Ohoh ich hab immernoch nichts angepflanzt. Gibt es da eigentlich einen Sweet Spot?
The EU should finally smite that asshole down.
Ohh awesome! I loved Lunacid.
Small correction: The greens are the only ones that are still centrist maybe, CDU and SPD are shades of right-wing.
TIL Mark Rober is a domestic terrorist
Mega, danke dir! Ich schmökere jetzt schon ne halbe Stunde oder so auf der Seite. Genau sowas habe ich gesucht!
They can't be police officers. Dogs aren't bastards.
Good to know <3
Look for "The women's war" by Robert Evans on your favorite podcast app for a really cool report on the place.
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Good! Get the fuck out of here and take your shit-ass products with you!