screw them. ban all the ass hats!
yeah YOU! points at biden we wanted Bernie but you said no. well no more help from us. lets burn it all down.
you can come take back florida anyday. i welcome the cheap drugs.
sorry don't want to ride the crazy train. I will pay $$$ for my car.
we are the mother of war. with out the usa they would all be fighting with sticks and stones. i say shut off the supply peeps.
thats ok Trump. Our official Policy is you are a monster and we will do anything in power to stop you. We are all going to fight you every step of the way.
hahahaha! god their even more stupid than I thought. maybe they should go look for other candidates. Seems like half the country doesn't want a women as president. They sure as heck don't want a person of color either.
0_0 I feel seen now.
how in the hell do they think this is going to go over in It for corporate America with sensitive data on everyone's workstations?? what about the rest of the world ?
ewww no GTFO!
The long kiss goodnight!
Don't do it Lithuani, we don't deserve it