
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 3 months ago

I like the color blue better than red, even though I prefer Coke over Pepsi. That said, I prefer Mt Dew (owned by Pepsi) over both. Well, diet Dew these days, but still.

[–] 13 points 3 months ago (1 children)
[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Now do one that's Putin as a potato!

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

Of course its fucking Google.

[–] 8 points 3 months ago

Um, question...

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

Maybe, but not much of one. Honestly anyone supporting or protecting them is almost as bad as being them. Some technical terms would be sheltering, aiding, and abetting.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

Most Final Fantasy games and JRPGs in general.

[–] 24 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Nobody has a purpose in life. Belief that life has a purpose is a creationist delusion created to try and comprehend and apply order to what is intrinsically chaotic and random, and to fight the anxiety that their fears induce.

Your options are to choose one of the following:

  1. Acceptance. You can accept that life is meaningless and that it's okay. This one's my preference.
  2. Denial. You can deny life's meaninglessness and seek to find or create a purpose for yourself. This can range from something as simple as a hobby to as life changing as having a family or advocating for a cause.
  3. Embrasure. Revel in the chaos and express yourself through it, doing whatever you want without thought it care. This is best exemplified by the fictional character of the Joker.
  4. Oppression. Take up religion to crush understanding of reality and replace it with a delusion of supernaturally defined purpose. This is probably the most commonly used option, frequently forced upon people during childhood.
  5. Opposition. Attempt to fight the reality or mask the effects of meaninglessness through other means, such as direct therapy, chemical dependency (not recommended), talking with friends/family, or through other methods not previously mentioned.

Understanding one's place in the universe (insignificant, irrelevant, and temporary speck) is important to having an accurate impression of ones existence. Whether one can accept that and what one do with that understanding is unique to the individual.

I hope that helps - good luck.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

The true War on Christmas is fight in solidarity with Halloween and Thanksgiving in an effort to push Christmas back over the November/December border. It's a just and noble war, one which I both advocate and fight in.

[–] 21 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Apparently not advocating for spreading knowledge of jury nullification. Lemmy.World is (mostly) banning it and now I need to find a new instance because I consider that to be the endorsement of our (American) government's system of "bend over and take it."

[–] 14 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I'd say let him, but we all know he'd be a propaganda tool rather than put on the front lines like he deserves.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

He's too afraid to ask her. I would be too.


What it says in the title.


With few exceptions, Chicago and it's county, (Cook) and the surrounding (collar) counties are Illinois, as far as most of us are concerned (especially including good food, presidential elections and tax income).

We're objectively better than NY.

Chicago holds the importance, due to being the main freight hub in the country, that once upon a time belonged to New Orleans. However the advent of railroad stripped that title away from New Orleans, relegating it and thus Louisiana to shadows of their former selves.


Serious question. I only have the one car. I know there are people with more money than sense that have more cars than they can actually drive at a time, and that there are couples who may or may not be able to drive their SO to the mechanic. But how can they _assumef that I can even afford a cab, well Uber these days, when I'm about to have them hundreds of dollars getting my busted-ass, POS car fixed?


SCP + drawing + goofballs = comedy gold. This is their 4th one.


So I've figured out, thanks to the Vertical Slabs mod, how to finally interpret grid-based dungeon layouts into Minecraft pretty faithfully. I decided to therefore build an interpretation of this monster, The World's Largest Dungeon by AEG.

I've thusfar completed 3 out of 16 sections and thought I might stream progress. I'm not a streamer but it's a lot of work to build this monster, and thought somebody might find it interesting. I've also already built some maps and templates from some dungeon crawl board games, and want to make more stuff later. What can I say, I like dungeon maps.

My plan is to finish, then go through and tidy up anything I may have missed, fix and standardize a few things, fill out some of the rooms, and then upload the thing for people to download for free use. The pieces are fairly easy to copy out and modify. I'm predominately (for floors and walls) using the same few piece types and the only mod required is Extended Slabs + which does require Forge. Without that mod the entire thing breaks.

As an aside, part of why I'm doing this is to stick it to Mojang. The official reason they say they won't include vertical slabs is that they will "inhibit natural creativity" That is complete and utter BS. A close look at this map's tight corners, any uneven surfaces, statues, block-built furniture, are ample proof, not to mention that in all the years since beta that I've tried to adapt grid maps accurately, the lack of thin wall pieces has made it impossible.

It's also been suggested that similar games (which are mostly if not entirely all defunct now) already have them and they'd make Minecraft not unique blah blah blah). As for "official" vertical slabs, there is one on the marketplace for 660 coins. NOPE, not paying for it. So here's my polite response to Mojang's terrible, terrible excuse. More variety is always more good.


Trap: Chest in the bottom of a pool covered in magma blocks for the whirlpool effect. The chest is unreachable from the dry floor, and the pool past this deeper pit has flowing water to shove you down if you forget to crouch. There's a space where you can swim up. I've largely kept the map loot free because I plan to upload it eventually for people to use.

From a Creative map I've started recently that I'm building dungeons in - namely translating p&p dungeon maps into Minecraft using a Vertical Slabs mod (because it's the best solution AND to give the middle finger to Mojang for not adding them in vanilla because "it limits creativity" which is literally the dumbest excuse.)

The map is getting... out of hand.


You may have heard that the First Rule of Warfare is... [insert actual advice here]. ie.; don't attack a stronger enemy, there's no such thing as overkill, the weapon is always loaded, etc. They're all the First Rule of Warfare.

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