Sounds like that could get sketchy fast, you ever crash?
Now I'm wondering if both things happened and they were two separate people from Segway...
Here's the cliff guy
He just bought the company though, he wasn't the inventor.
Either way, damn.
I thought it was the CEO but yeah, wild stuff: Accidentally rode off a cliff if I recall correctly.
Well, shit.
Cooking and a dynavap. Tinctures sometimes too.
CBD and coffee help me. A good diet, regular exercise, and a set schedule help too.
I'd urge caution over black market stuff though, probably not worth the risks.
What about revolvers, the mauser, and single shot breech pistols?
That is unquestionably safer, but PPE is still a great idea.
Motorcycle shops will likely happily sell you gear, but be wary of Harley lol - they are like the Snap-On of motorcycles in terms of cost.
Micromobility includes motorcycles though they aren't as popular as ebikes lately. If I recall correctly, @[email protected] is a moto nerd, so they have have some good suggestions.
Brands may also vary by market so if you mention if you're in UK, US, EU, CN or whatever, that might help in terms of vendor and brand suggestions.
Not familiar with the tires on that bike, but it might not be a bad idea to have some inserts in those tires to help prevent a catastrophic blowout at speed. I use Tannus Armour in my efatbike, it reduces the range but protects from flats and provides limited run-flat capability.
Maintain your bike meticulously, because an accident at that speed can be life altering or even fatal. Be safe!
What bike and what tires?
I'd go with full SNELL/DOT/ECE rated gear though, dress for the slide and all that.
Be careful of the sellers you go with too, Amazon sellers may or may not be reputable but some have been known to sell expired gear (helmets have a shelf life), used gear as new (never buy used safety gear), or outright counterfeit gear that will not keep you safe.
Quality safety gear has saved my life, it is not worth taking chances with.
Ha! Right you are Ken!
Now over to Guy LeDouche with Sinkers and Floaters!
Oh, different Ken?