Look at the age of young folks when they are given their first internet enabled device. Too early, and education/misinformation basically starts then, not in schools. They absorb more information from 10-15 second videos telling them how cool things are then boring old class .. the issue is people giving them unfettered access to crap like tiktok and other social media platforms.
Because it isn't his 'brand' image..it's not him visually and doesn't make him look like the sack of shit he wants to be portrayed as
Because rules/law/ethics matter to the current 'administration'..?
Omg...someone I know has already started. Like dude...You've never heard of this guy prior to about a month ago. Do you not see you're just being manipulated and told what to think/say? The logic is absurd with some people
Why is this is BAS taxidermy? This is amazingly well done
Watch donald pardon them and give them a job doing ethics or bs. He wants outrage
You have no rights and the 'government' in america has to follow/abide by no laws anymore. Whatever you think/know about the us is 100% irrelevant now. It's a lawless dictatorship
You avoid it by never going to america, or by leaving and never returning.
Someone gave me a shot of this stuff as a last shot of the night and didn't tell me what it was beforehand. When my lips whet dumb, I knew it was either rubbing alcohol of this stuff. spat it out mighty quick. I have a bottle of 120 proof upstairs, gifted by a friend. I'll never open it unless I'm shot or stabbed.
So while it looked good, it was useless like the website. Neat
How much have you edged today?
Or start learning to go without..the way things are going it's almost inevitable that many will need to do this regardless of if they choose too or not. Might as well start adjusting yourself and seeing needs vs wants and act accordingly. Shits gonna get much worse before it gets better
You mean it's not good to have panels just fall off, and have to do your own wiring to uninstall the already installed light bar which isn't actually legal to have connected prior to selling?