How well would US Xian nationalists (Christofascists) get along with the CoE? Is the latter, like the former, actively attempting to acquire absolute power over social matters in their country? Would the two be of like minds w/respect to doctrine?
Slightly related perhaps, at least if you're an HBS grad.
Portion of job-seeking Harvard Business School students who were unemployed three months after graduation
- in 2022 : 1/10
- In 2024 : 1/4
From Harper's Index 4/2025
I wonder how long it will be before the Amateur Radio (ham) spectrum allocations are deleted? After all, that allotment is a set-aside for the good of the public, and we can't give handouts like that to the commoners any more. Loafers and degenerates, make them PAY for their bandwidth, make them earn it.
With enforcement deleted and existing public-use bands sold off to the highest-paying (or best-politically-connected) grifter, I hope high-power, not-exactly-legal mesh networks can get a foothold.
All right out of Stalin's playbook. First you arrest them, then you hold them indefinitely in jail without contact with the outside world. During this time you torture them until they confess to whatever made-up "crime" you accuse them of, and preferably falsely rat out others who the torturers want to give the same treatment to. Then you sentence them to decades of "hard labor" in a remote camp, and to more torture. Sentencing done by a non-judicial, non-accountable administrative tribunal whose primary job is producing "guilty" verdicts in order to meet their quotas.
Apply this method to the weakest first, and then to the working classes (including veterans) and then to the middle- and upper-classes (administrators and engineers and military leaders and especially "intellectuals"), rinse and repeat, until you've got yourself a society composed of individuals who live in utter terror of Uncle Elon and Tusk, and of being arrested themselves. Members of that society will never step out of line, will never be a threat to the regime.
Here's a first-hand description of how it works :
The memo also proposed IRS detail a dedicated group of several dozen senior IRS auditors to launch investigations into companies suspected of hiring undocumented immigrants.
I guess I better step on the gas and get work done on my house right now, before the (mostly-MAGA-voting) contractors can no longer get any workers. Probably a good time to stockpile food too, before crops are rotting in the fields because of a lack of workers.
I guess I'd better put a halt to getting old too, before long-term care facilities run out of staff and shut their doors.
Within minutes of showing up, a twenty-something software engineer dispatched from DOGE began demanding access
I'm in software and I can guarantee you these punks are absolutely reveling in the feeling that they're the "elite" because Leon likes them and picked them to do all this world-shattering demolition work. He wouldn't have tapped them if they weren't elite, if they weren't 1% hackers, right? Oh and they'll surely be in charge of the design and implementation of the Leon-approved Government 2.0 systems, work that only they, the best of the best, could possibly do! Incel no more!
The new IT stuff, assuming it's ever implemented, will all collapse. I can't wait for MAGA/Leon to kick them to the curb once he's done using them for wrecking and intimidation and they get to go back to unemployment and incel-hood.
5'9" and 68 lbs, that's just mind-blowing. He's got to be just a skeleton, no fat at all, no muscle left anywhere. I weighed more than that in grade school. I wonder if he can even walk? Holodomor vibes.
Well, she's decided to prominently display that she's a Christian with that cross there. So I guess we're supposed to understand that she's by definition a Good Person. Give her a slap on the wrist, admonish her to not be naughty, and let her go. Whatever she did is God's Will after all.
Yep, had my 1st measles shot in the mid-60s, a booster in '74, and now this year found (via a blood test) that my immunity had waned to a point that another shot was needed. Got it. Five stars, no pain, highly recommended.