Green - An environmentalist community

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This is the place to discuss environmentalism, preservation, direct action and anything related to it!


1- Remember the human

2- Link posts should come from a reputable source

3- All opinions are allowed but discussion must be in good faith

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Unofficial Chat rooms:

founded 5 years ago

Here is a list I have formed:

-Regulate Polluting Industries

-Switch to Esim

-Install geothermal heat pump systems

-Build more apartments

-Use shampoo/conditioner bars

-Put carbon labels on products

-Buy stuff at the local store

-Eat plant based

-Prioritize transit over cars

-Switch to Ecosia


-Give homemade gifts


-Be organized

-Avoid synthetic cloths

-Switch to green burials

-Buy reputable carbon credits

-Mandate microfibre filters for washing machines

-Install Linux on new/old computers

-Switch to Electric car (second to public transit)

-Shut down all oil operations

-Pickup litter

-Ride your bicycle instead of the car

-Adopt kids and companions instead

-Build more green spaces

-Convert animal agriculture land to wild lands

-Support repairability

-Ban private jets

-Start your own garden

-Use older cars for more than 12 years

-Keep phone for longer than 5.5 years (easy to do with fairphone,iphone, pixel, samsung or android phone with unlockable bootloader)

-Switch to renewable and nuclear techologies

-Halt all new road developments and just maintain them until transit is good enough

-Do everything to prevent and end wars

-Tax the rich and use the money for climate initiatives

-Ban all fossil fuel ads

-More widespread use of contactless payments

-Switch to bidets

-Mandate all stoves to be electric

-Build robust high sped rail network and ban flights under 4 hours.

-Require much longer warranties on consumer goods

-Require all software to become open source after the company stops developing the code

-Patents expire after 4 years

-Ban cryptominning

-Reduce concrete in constructions projects and opt for bamboo/wood construction

-Require all office work to be done from home for as much as possible

-Ban discrimination and promote affirmative action so that there isn't lost potential or innovation from disadvantaged groups

-Improve insulation in older buildings

-Shop at refillable container stores

-Buy Fairphones as they're the most repairable and have to 8-10 years of software support

-Buy Framework laptops as they're user repairable upgrade-able

-Use reusable diapers for your infant/toddler

-Buy goods within your continent to avoid cargo ship bunker fuel

-Use refillable for everywhere you go

-Increase energy efficient standards with new houses with solar panels mandatory

-Increase grid interconnections

-Support political parties with green policies

-Boycott fossil fuel banks and switch to green credit unions

-Demand that your investment/retirement program switches to green projects

-Force companies to mine minerals from e-waste instead

-Give up half of the planet to nature

I will add more to list as more ideas are thought of.


NPR interviews the CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate about the new strategies being used online by those with interests in denying anthropogenic global warming. Audio (~12min) + transcript.

“The three major families in the new denial are: that climate solutions won’t work, that the impacts of global warming are beneficial or harmless, or that the climate science and the climate movement are unreliable. Because let’s be absolutely frank about this: This has never been a debate about the science. This has been a debate between scientists and those who want to stop action being taken on climate change because that would destroy the oil and gas industry.”


Happy 2024! The Eco-Libre project published our 2023 Annual Report for last year.

Eco-Libre 2023 Annual Report

Eco-Libre is a volunteer-run project that designs libre hardware for sustainable communities.

Eco-Libre's mission is to research, develop, document, teach, build, and distribute open-source hardware and software that sustainably enfranchises communities' human rights.

  • Eco-Libre's mission statement

We aim to provide clear documentation to build low-cost machines, tools, and infrastructure for people all over the world who wish to live in sustainable communities with others.

Executive Summary

  • Eco-Libre was founded June 24, 2023
  • Begun searching for land in Ecuador
  • Four projects created on GitHub
  • Currently 2 active contributors
  • 2024 priority is finding land and R&D on Life-Line

Michael Altfield registered the domain-name on June 24th, 2023, a few weeks after arriving to Ecuador.

Over the next 6 months, Eco-Libre committed research and designs to our GitHub org for four projects (licensed CC BY-SA) which address some of the essential requirements for a new community's basic human needs: clean water, shelter, electricity, and ecological processing of waste. By releasing these designs under a libre license, it allows for other communities to build their own infrastructure with minimal effort, and it encourages collaboration on standardized design concepts.

As Eco-Libre's projects mature, we will build experimental prototypes in our own community. To that end, Michael is currently traveling around Ecuador by bicycle in-search of land to found Eco-Libre's first physical site.

In December, Eco-Libre was joined by Jack Nugent, who has since committed contributions to the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

The priority focus for Michael in 2024 is to determine the best region in Ecuador to buy land where Eco-Libre can physically iterate on projects.

The priority focus for Jack in 2024 is to finish the research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.


Eco-Libre was founded this year (in 2023). In our first 6 months, we've begun work on four libre hardware projects. All of them are currently in the early research stages.

Eco-Libre Launch-Nest

The Eco-Libre Launch-Nest was our first project. The concept is to build a small-footprint, high-occupancy structure for sustainable living of 30-people.

CAD screenshot of a 6-story masonry structure with a large array of solar panels and three large parabolic solar dishes on the roof
Eco-Libre Launch-Nest 2023.09

The rooftop has sufficient space for 72 solar panels (2 meter x 1 meter) and 3 parabolic solar concentrators (16 square meter).

The structure is six-stories above-ground, which is the recommended maximum height of a confined masonry structure in an earthquake zone. It also has a basement.

The building is designed with external, enclosed, firewalled staircases on either end. These are symmetrical and designed such that the building design can be rotated around a center courtyard to have four Eco-Libre Launch-Nest structures that share the same stairwells.

Currently only basic, incomplete architectural design-work has been done in CAD. Before a structural analysis can be assessed (eg to determine the location of columns), further work needs to be done on finishing the placement of windows, doors, and dividing walls.

Eco-Libre Life-Line

The Eco-Libre Life-Line project is a series of components making up an infrastructure to deliver a clean water pipeline to a community. This includes:

Photo of a small weir funneling watter into a 200L barrel with an expanded metal grate covering its opening
Eco-Libre Life-Line 2023.12
  1. Collection of raw surface water (eg from a stream)
  2. Removal of large organic debris & sediments
  3. Removal of small particles
  4. Removal of harmful bacteria & parasites
  5. Clean water storage

Michael started the Life-Line project after visiting a number of communities who had constant issues with their water systems breaking or failing to provide clean water. The goal is to design a low-cost, self-cleaning pipeline of systems that require minimal human intervention (max routine maintenance twice per year).

This year we have half-finished the "intake" component in CAD, which consists of building a weir in a stream that funnels turbulent water onto a downward-sloped HDPE barrel with a fine-mesh screen atop it. This design exploits the energy in falling turbulent water to clean the intake screen, and it prevents the intake from being clogged by organic debris during heavy rainfall.

Special thanks to Jack Nugent, who joined Eco-Libre in 2023 and has contributed to research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

The goal in 2024 is to finish the "intake" component in CAD and also to design the "settling tank", "pre-filter", and "sand filter" components in CAD.

Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth

How do you sustainably begin to build a community on land without electricity and without any structures?

The Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth is a simple storage shed with >1 kW of PV solar panels on the roof. This is the first structure to be built when jumpstarting a new off-grid community. It provides the power, storage, and outdoor workshop space needed to build-out the community.

Photo of a small structure with 4 solar panels on its roof
Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth 2023.06

This year we've made a simple footprint for the Genesis-Booth in CAD that's 4 meters x 2 meters -- just large enough to fit 4 solar panels (2 meters x 1 meter each). Further work is needed in CAD, but this year we also delved into making a framework for our documentation.

The Eco-Libre documentation is written in reST, generated by Sphinx, and (currently) hosted by GitHub. This is an exceptionally flexible continuous documentation solution that allows for versioned documentation matching versioned releases, works well with git, can be exported to many different flexible formats, and can be extended with custom directives written in python.

The highest priority for the Genesis-Booth is to finish this documentation as a template for other projects. Ideally this should be designed in such a way that information about Eco-Libre in general is seamlessly added to all project's documentations in a reusable way.

Eco-LIbre Treasure Tower

The Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower project is a 7 meter x 6 meter structure for storing and processing a community's waste, most importantly their food & fecal compost.

Photo of a tall 6-story structure with a wrap-around ramp and several doors on each floor
Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower 2023.07

This structure is 6-stories high and barrier-free, with a wrap-around ramp. All but the top-floor have three doors:

  1. Access door for maintenance
  2. Deposit Closet
  3. Deposit Closet

Each deposit closet contains facilities for the collection of human urine and feces and is slightly staggered in elevation so the user's deposits fall by gravity into their designated collection areas for processing.

Separately from compost, this structure also serves as a storage area for recyclable waste materials, such as metal.

This year a first-draft design of the structure has been designed in CAD, but it's very premature.

Next, a second design prototype (where the two deposit closet entrances are on the same side) should be drafted in CAD and compared to the existing design.

Contribute to Eco-Libre

If you'd like to help Eco-Libre reach our mission to enfranchise sustainable communities' human rights with libre hardware, please contact us to get involved :)

Join Us

The Eco-Libre Team


When we mine the land for precious minerals, what do we gain, and what do we lose?

These giant balls of metal each represent an exact amount of material: the volumes produced by various mines in South Africa.

Artist and photographer Dillon Marsh wanted to visualise the value that humans have taken from the Earth, and its impact.

He added digital balls of material to these photos of scarred landscapes to illustrate what was gained, and what was lost.

The series is called: ‘For what it’s worth’.


Why does this Öko-Institut care about reducing emissions in farming?

According to emissions of farming is negligible. Even if they change anything, probably with great effort, they wouldn't change anything. They are the least who need to care.



My colleagues and I are investigating this in connection with manifestations of eco-anxiety (or climate anxiety) in adults aged 18 to 35.

A $50 (CAD) prepaid credit card will be drawn amongst participants. 💳

We are completely independent in conducting this study and are doing so on a volunteer basis. None of the researchers are receiving funds nor a salary from any video-game or other company.

This study is approved by the Research Ethics Board of the Faculty of Literature and Social Sciences of the University of Sherbrooke. 🎓

Thank you for your help! 🙂


Two days ago, there was a post over at /c/WorldNews that linked an article from the Guardian about Norway granting permission to private mining company Nordic Mining to dispose of their waste into the Førde fjord. I left a comment asking how can I, an American with no power what so ever, do to stop this. As of writing this, I still haven't gotten a response. I might contact the head of Naturvernforbundet. If there's a better approach please suggest it. Thanks in advance.

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