No need to grind when they have soft, very-white underbellies.
I might add, this cemetery is about a quarter mile from a VA hospital too, one that's already seeing cuts. Convenient, once the patients get kicked to the curb to die, they can be disposed of quickly and easily.
I just came back from a walk through a nearby, private cemetery. It's a mix of old and new burials, some dating to the late 1800s. There are a lot of veterans interred there, and yes, some women veterans even! Probably some dark-skinned veterans too. There's a section that contains many graves of Asians. I can't read the writing on the stones but I'd guess Chinese - this was a railroad town back in the day and if I recall my HS history correctly, a lot of Chinese labor was used by the RR industry - yes, immigrants! This town still has a lot of Ukrainians and Russians and eastern Europeans, and the cemetery has a section that has a lot of their graves too.
I couldn't help but wonder how long before all of the documentation of these people, scant as it may be (just stones), gets erased, flushed right down the Memory Hole. It's a private cemetery but I'm sure there are ways the Musk administration could twist the arms of the board that runs the place. It sounds unthinkable, but until the last week or so, so did the idea of un-documenting a lot of US military history as the article describes.
Trouble is, these old folks aren't ready to fight a revolution themselves. You see them at the food pantries and Little Free Pantries already, the better-off with walkers and canes, just a step or two away from being homeless and all the hatred and suffering that that brings.
Still, for the kids of the old folks, assuming they have any, and assuming they care somewhat for their parents, it could get ugly fast w/o SS and Medicare. Grandpa and Grandma lose their homes and have to move in, all kinds of caretaking and medical bills and old-folks Rxs to pay for, and all that on 1950s America Great Again wages. I'd like to think the pitchforks would come out at that point, but I dunno, people would have to put their phones down and get off their couches.
I like it. Maybe mix in some vids by egg influencers on SM showing Canadians frying up some product and sitting down to big plates of omelettes. President Musk and Drumpf could be on TV in the background, red-faced and shrieking and fuming and Nazi-saluting, with the TV sound turned off of course, while the Canadians smile and have 2nds.
Well after all, what do we need Alaska for? Does it have vast reserves of untapped hair dye, the Stuff Prez. Leon Needs? Don't think so.
Yeah, now that eggs are so cheap and all (went to the grocery yesterday and they're rationed here). I haven't checked dog shit prices but that's too good for him anyway.
Republican Congressman from E. WA state. Yes, a corrupt American, one of the majority in the corrupt Congress.
Both Musk and Trump have claimed that some workers are either dead or fictional, and the president has publicly backed Musk’s approach.
Addressing people who didn’t respond to the first email, Trump said “they are on the bubble,” and he added that he wasn’t “thrilled” about them not responding.
Malicious Compliance time. Give Trump something that will "thrill" him.
"Congressman Michael Baumgartner is currently serving his first term in the U.S. House of Representatives where he represents the people of Washington State’s 5th Congressional District."
He's a MAGA bootlicker and is unfit for office. What an embarrassment to our nation he is.
The gofundme is here: It's doing well, it's great to see how many people care about openly-violent fascist thugs being paid for by the sheriffs office and used to beat up non-compliant citizens. I donated.
A couple of terms that need to be resurrected and put into common use during this MAGA Occupation: