
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 6 hours ago

I wonder if we should consolidate the communities into only the main NZ community since the NZ lemmy community is so small. We probably all want to see whats happening in the country and arent at the point where we are being bombarded by town specific news.

[–] 1 points 6 hours ago
[–] 1 points 6 hours ago

Noooooo please dont buy stuff, they're like the only refreshing voice NZ media has.

[–] 1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

I saw a video from Q&A with Jack Tame, he was interviewing american right winger dickhead James Linsey and the comments were so blackpilling. It was like 90% support for James Linsey.

[–] 39 points 6 hours ago (11 children)

Disclaimer, I'm not a network professional im only learning. But you dont need ufw since your router firewall should be able to filter majority of the traffic. But in security there is a concept of layers. You want your router firewall then your device firewall to provide multiple layers incase something slips through one layer.

So to give a simple answer, it depends how secure you want your network to be. Personally I think UFW is easy so you may as well set it up. 5sec of config might stop a hacker traversing your network hoping from device to device.

[–] 11 points 1 day ago

Claude frequently finds itself pointlessly revisiting completed towns, getting stuck in blind corners of the map for extended periods, or fruitlessly talking to the same unhelpful NPC over and over, to cite just a few examples of distinctly sub-human in-game performance.

Claude is just like me fr

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

All o remember from far cry 3 is that the bow is super fun to use. I don't think i used the other weapons at all.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

Duckduckgo is actually really good. Everyone ive shown it to has complained about the search results in the first few days then months later they say its so much better. Bangs are such a good feature.

[–] 25 points 2 days ago

True, its trans peoples fault. When I see a trans person Molotov a Tesla I am inspired to join them and do the same.

Remember when you hear people like elon musk, trump and rogan attack hormone replacement therapy that they are literally using it themselves. Its so stupid.

[–] 16 points 2 days ago

Rip. A true legend from the golden age of heavyweight boxing.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Yeah but thats 50% on a bell curve. So think of the average person and that represents 68% of the population. Going 1 standard deviation lower 13% then lower is 2%. Numbers here are generalised*

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Even if an ai has access to more facts and information you should feel confident in your human ability to reason through the data you do know, search new information and process it in the context.

If you think an ai does all this better than you then you need to try harder.


Ive got a CSV of music from Spotify and would like an easy way to find and download these playlists. Is there a client that can do this?


Dbrand vs decalgirl vs others. Is there a noticeable quality difference between the skins sold by certain companies? Im mostly looking at vinyl as the material.


This video was cute so im sharing it


I've been experimenting with this awesome mod and creating some interesting roads. I've ran into a lot of bugs especially with roads containing train tracks.

The first road I added was a 1 way highway that was train, car, car, bus This was good for cleanly getting rail into the hard to reach areas of the city but its very hard to peel the rail line off the road without artifacting and visual glitches.

The next road I tried was a CPP inspired rapid transit lane. Sidewalk - Bus - Median - tram, tram - median - bus - Sidewalk. This seems to work quite well for a central city public transport area. The only downside being that now I have to actually fix the godawful mess that is public transport in my city.


About 10k pop and barely and traffic. I like the beach and the park and didnt want to much high rises ruining that small town.

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