I tried to research my current workplace and found nothing useful about it. These days I've no idea how anyone we'd interview would find out about the niche software we work on. I've just taken a look at our website and it would not help even a little (who writes this drivel?).
It helps my laundry dry and keeps the house from feeling damp too. Nothing like high relative humidity inside a house to make the cold cling to the skin!
Ooft, that's rough. Eyyyy
I'm on the southern coast of Wales. I have a dehumidifier.
Whilst I'd prefer not to have to hang my laundry I'm not willing to pay for that much electricity, particularly as I keep my shirts on hangers, so it's literally a case of moving them from one rack to another.
UK person: dryer?
I shave mine with a safety razor. Knobbliness of head is probably a factor though!
Anyone who needed a warning about this wasn't capable of heeding it. Hell, they'd probably struggle with object persistence.
Last year I felt like the only films being released were sequels, spinoffs, or remakes. I've not checked this year so far because last year crushed my spirit on that front.
I'm rather a fan of Apogee's Secret Agent. I loved it back in the day and then enjoyed the HD remaster of it a few years back.
I feel like I'm the only person that grew up with Mario 64 but doesn't love it. I was really excited by it initially but when I played the game properly it just had this oppressive feeling of isolation and melancholy to it that was so off-putting.
Wow, your country is fuuuuucked.