Thanks for your detailed reply Dave, very much appreciated. I’ve signed up to with a localised username - FloofahNZ
I found the delay occurs with Bluetooth headphones connected via an adapter with an optical link to the TV audio. Physically plugging headphones in works fine, no sync delay, but it turns off the sound system audio. Could never get it properly working on our TV/sound system.
My aid fitting has been delayed until next Monday, audiologist is sick apparently.
Hmmm, this issue is a nuisance. Maybe I should create an account elsewhere, can I do that and keep everything? IDK how all the Lemmy stuff links together etc.
I’ve messed around for years trying to get something viable, not only for me, but also Mrs Floofah, who doesn’t need aids yet, in order to watch and listen to the same thing. The big issue were the delays in the add on headphone routing. Typically they cause an unacceptable delay in the sound. Remember we need the "normal" full sound, just me needing the boost.
I await the arrival of my aids with interest, hopefully they’ll fit in with our existing sound system, and also allow Mrs Floofah to tell me something without using a megaphone!!
As the aids are local just to me, and the sound they receive is via my normal ear structure, this may be the best solution. I await with interest.
We have a 5.1 surround system for the TV. The individual speakers are setup to balance the volumes from each. If I connect headphones, it shuts off the speakers so I loose the surround sound immersion effects.
My hearing it very poor with higher frequencies, hence a big reduction in clarity even with normal voices, any mumbled voices are nearly impossible.
Been to the audiologists to get some hearing aids. I was a very regular clubber in my teens/twenties, so many live gigs with massive sound. Good at the time, but oh boy, tough to hear people talking to me now.
Can’t watch tv without subtitles, biut to be honest, I wonder if I’ll still need subs even with the aids when I get them. So many tv shows and movies have mumbled unclear dialog, but I’ll give it a try. Hopefully Mrs Floofah won’t be prodding me anymore when I can’t hear her speaking!!
I’ve got my hearing aids, boy are they great!! Has transformed my hearing capability. The app has allowed me to tweak the settings, and amazingly when wearing them, I no longer hear my tinnitus hiss as badly. Don’t know how that works as I can clearly hear higher frequencies. Has really improved my speech understanding, it’s all so clear now.