Just made a carrot cake. Got it all ready and in the oven, 2 minutes later the mains power dropped. A minute later it was back on. Rushed to get the oven on again, think we were lucky, if it had been 20 minutes into cooking, that could have been a problem.
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
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It cooked perfectly, letting it cool now and will try a slice for afternoon tea. Put less cinnamon in than the recipe, but that’s a personal taste thing of course.
Awesome! Hope you're planning cream cheese icing 🙂
It's not a real carrot cake without cream cheese icing!
I did it! I managed to make it to the Wellington Brick Show. Just for a couple of hours with a couple of kids, but it was enough to see everything.
One display in particular one of my kids watched for about 30 mins straight. It was a pretty cool display to be fair.
Also made it to the brick show. The kids have been inspired to try build their own Lego landscapes at home now, so I can disappear into the couch for a bit.
Flies have made their appearance already. I'm thinking of getting a retractable screen professionally installed for our ranch slider as we like to leave the door open in summer, but the amount of flies that get in is too high.
All the DIY options don't look very good or won't span the whole door. Anyone had one done before or know how much it costs?
We got a sliding screen door fitted over our ranch slider before last summer. We went for the marine grade steel security mesh so technically we could sleep with the door open (but I'm not game enough to try it deliberately) and it made a huge difference. It was about $1500 and a morning off work while they installed it.
Is this mounted on the outside or inside of the door? Do you think security mesh made it more expensive?
That’s a bit much for me, but we don’t intend to leave it open when we’re sleeping or not home, just mainly for insects.
I’m looking at something like this
That would definitely do the job for bugs; we went heavy duty because we have no fence on that side of the property and people like to walk on the inside of the street trees instead of right on the kerb. The second photo here is what we went for.
It's always worth hitting that Quote button; worst case you'll have a much better idea of how soon you can save up for one.
That definitely looks more heavy duty that what we’re looking for. But I got to say it looks nice. Yup I’m planning to get a quote once I get some other stuff out the way. Hopefully before summer starts
Pretty much all flights in and out of Wellington have been cancelled or diverted. Was supposed to be picking up my partner and daughter but seems like that won't happen for a few days now due to flight availability:(
I would not want to be on a flight tonight!