Arent there any monthly/yearly tickets?
I looked it up, its actually a thing.
More people using free software means more resources going into them, maybe industry-wide adoption. Would it not be awesome to have ODP be the standard file format for a document (because enough people use Linux to make an open standard necessary)? Interoperability will be a big thing if enough people start using Linux.
It is, in fact, the very fact that...
He's nervous. But on the surface he looks calm and ready to retry.
Well, more people on Linux means more software support.
True. After 10 I decided I had enough and rebooted.
Isnt Parrot OS debian based and for pen-testing, like Kali?
I use arch tho
Raspbian was renamed to Raspberry Pi OS, its the same distro so it doesnt count
The thing with longetivity is you'd probably start getting mad or depressed or bored after some time. Also, the population would exponentially grow and lastly, it is rather difficult to get poeple that were born 500 years ago to agree with people that were born 20 years ago. It would probably result in a political chaos.
(Which is correct so there's nothing wrong with that)