Yes they do
Oh for fuck sake.
Fuck Google. I used Waze since it didnt need a Google account and was still reasonably popular in my area.
If I have to use a Google account for this shit, I dont know what I'd do.
'No I dont think I will'
Use Firefox btw
My heart weeps for them
Yeah despite the decent reviews, the always online requirement, plus the fact it is not on Steam, so playing it on Steam Deck will be a pain, mean its a no from me.
Guess I'm not missing much by the looks of things lol
I hope they beat the shit out of each other and dont pull their punches
Hey OP, is that Ubuntu font you used for this post?
Honestly, headphone jacks are number 1.
Then also, FM radios. Most Android phones had them up until a few years ago, when Apple stopped shipping iphones with the feature, to push more people onto iTunes. I'm not a huge radio listener. But having the functionality during an emergency is invaluable. There was a really bad storm in my country a few years ago. Me and my family had no power and no internet for nearly a week. I would listen to my battery powered radio to get weather updates and to find out what the situation was like elsewhere. I don't understand why that same functionality can't be implemented in phones.
Besides that, removable batteries, sim card and SD card slots.
To the moon!!
Very tanky ultra left pro Russia, pro China, anti everyone else part of Fediverse.
Check them out if you like but they only talk shit about the West and NATO. Put another way, you are not missing much by avoiding them.
As far as I know, companies like Gfycat make money by selling API access to different apps. Like say in a messaging app likeTelegram or Signal. The easiest way for them to integrate a gif search and send function inside of messages is through API access to Gfycat's servers. Gfycat then charges them for this streamlined integration and access.
That plus selling user data or ads on their website means they will have some revenue. I dont know if its enough to keep them afloat. Since they are shutting down, I'm guessing it didnt pan out so well.