It was just an example. Didn't check if it existed before typing it.
Why am I not surprised.
I guess the website itself would be on it's on list to avoid?
Very meta/ironic.
Someone needs to create a website called or something, and list off every company to boycott because of something heinous they did.
But have a score out of 10; some are worse than others.
And link to sources / fact checks.
I dunno, are Americans embarrassed about the USA's existing history?
Can a whole country come under the enshitification banner?
Lots of redeeming qualities about Waterworld. The stunt work, and score especially.
Those who think this is only going to be four years are deluding themselves.
Remember folks, both sides kept that place open.
What can replace Facebook?
And how can anyone convince all their friends, family, and random people the follow, to jump platform?
Bidding war. Zuckerberg paid more.
Your move China.
Yeah, they won't geofence. Still money to be made from existing US users. And no one puts principles above profits.
Where were people's protests & complaints when the US government were first proposing the ban?
It was just an example. Didn't check if it existed before typing it.