Burn every company. Copy.
Will he Ket o' won't he?
A) Dig the name.
B) "The turkeys are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!"
"What's that noise? Where did all these chickens come from..?!?"
Eye/hand coordination. Pattern recognition. Problem solving. Task prioritization. Cost/benefit analysis. Inventory management. I could probably think of others if i put effort into it.
Aww, ain't you just the cutest!
Keep screaming lil guy, it's working!
The sign says "No shoes, no shirt, no service."
You guys gotta wear these. Hands out flip flops. There, all good now.
I'd wager that if you want to improve your relations with your neighbors, perhaps setting their tool sheds on fire and killing their pets over and over and over and over and over and over while screaming the whole time "I'M DEFENDING MYSELF" isn't the best course. But hey, I'm not a diplomat.
It's foot powder. Not for athletes foot, or anything like that. It's just powder that smells like feet.