
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 hours ago

What a pathetic loser move

[–] [email protected] 9 points 17 hours ago (4 children)

You don't need dryer sheets if you're hang drying your clothes, which reduces wear on the clothes and uses less energy, along with requiring one less appliance, unless you have a combo washer/dryer.

I started hang drying my clothes maybe 4 years ago and I'm definitely not going back

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

No, they are changing the .sln-format, which is only used by Visual Studio itself

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

This has nothing to do with EEE.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I remember running some J2ME-stuff on the Sony Ericsson-phones, but it was generally quite incapable. Maybe it was a lack of creativity on my part, but then again, I was in my teens at this point

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I thought the cutoff for Smartphones was Android/iOS/(Windows Phone)?

It becomes hard to draw a line otherwise. I had a few various Sony Ericsson non-Android phones back in the day, but the first phone I would call a smartphone was a ZTE Blade. It put me down the path of developing apps for Android, which is what I do for a living now, so that's a little interesting.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago

A few not yet mentioned:

  • Well There's Your Problem - a podcast about engineering disasters
  • Hard Fork - a weekly tech news show, with banter similar to what you could find on Reply All before that was ended
  • The War on Cars - an urbanism-podcast
  • The Urbanist Agenda - another urbanism-podcast, by the creator behind Not Just Bikes
  • The Climate Denier's Playbook - a climate-podcast
  • Hyperfixed - by one of the hosts of Reply All

And a vote for previously mentioned podcasts:

  • 99% Invisible - a podcast about design, arguably my favourite
  • Darknet Diaries - a podcast about cybersecurity
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I don't think DeepSeek has the capability of generating code and executing it inline in the context window to support its answers, in the way that ChatGPT does - the "used"-part of that answer is likely a hallucination, while "or would use" more accurately represents reality.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

The concern is that the model doesn't actually see the world in terms of distinct hexadecimals, but instead as tokens of variable size - you can see this using the tiktokenizer-webapp: enter some text and it will split it into the series of tokens the model actually will process.

It's not impossible for the model to work it out anyway, but it is a reason for this type of task to be a bit harder on LLMs.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (4 children)

It's not out of the question that we get emergent behaviour where the model can connect non-optimally mapped tokens and still translate them correctly, yeah.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (6 children)

It is a concern.

Check out and try entering some freeform hexadecimal data - you'll notice that it does not cleanly segment the hexadecimal numbers into individual tokens.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (8 children)

Still, this does not quite address the issue of tokenization making it difficult for most models to accurately distinguish between the hexadecimals here.

Having the model write code to solve an issue and then ask it to execute it is an established technique to circumvent this issue, but all of the model interfaces I know of with this capability are very explicit about when they are making use of this tool.


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Interestingly worded title - did the car drive itself into the crowd? No, right? Then why would they word it like that?

Anyway, more evidence to support the fact that cars are far too efficient as weapons to be granted as much free rein as they are today. Bollards save lives, implement them liberally throughout any areas with pedestrians.


Interestingly worded title - did the car drive itself into the crowd? No, right? Then why would they word it like that?

Anyway, more evidence to support the fact that cars are far too efficient as weapons to be granted as much free rein as they are today. Bollards save lives, implement them liberally throughout any areas with pedestrians.


Ett vackert koncept! Det är dock svårt för mig att inte se vad som kunnat vara här - väl fungerande kollektivtrafik.


För mig blev det fiberhavregrynsgröt med psylliumfrön, smaksatt med vasslepulver med banana milkshake-smak och mjölk, samt en kopp kaffe. Mättande med massvis med fiber och en rimlig mängd protein.

En perfekt balans mellan enkelt att laga, nyttigt och billigt. Det hade kanske kunnat vara lite godare, men jag unnar mig en annan måltid istället.


Om vi bara kunde få till ordentlig investering i järnvägsunderhåll och utbyggnad. Man kan bara drömma.


Ebba Busch visar sitt sanna jag som patologisk lögnare. Likt Jimmie Åkesson försöker hon direkt kopiera Donald Trumps strategi att bara säga osanningar för att försöka gynna sig själv. Kommer svenska befolkningen vara lika dumma som den amerikanska i nästa val? Det kvarstår att se.


Genomvidrigt. Stå upp emot neofacister i alla lägen.


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It's probably time we admit cars that are a bit too useful as weapons to continue affording them the vast uncritical access they currently enjoy in our built environments.

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