
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

It's unfortunate that there are negative stereotypes of vultures as creepy just because they eat carrion, as they're the janitors who take care of the messes that others don't want to deal with.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

Maybe this is why they named a Super Mario RPG boss after this genus

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

It’s the lack of lignin (bamboo uses silica as a strengthener)

Oh I see

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

The funny thing is that both "July twenty-third" and "the twenty-third of July" are common in the US.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

as if my Florida Man posting didn't already give it away :P

that said I have learned to prefer YYYY-MM-DD for all my cataloguing needs on computer because it sorts far more easily

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

The way Mario seems to teleport when turning around in the water seems to say something about the way hitboxes worked in the original DKC1.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Super Kong World

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

concat: "11"

cat: ignores your inquiry

[–] [email protected] 10 points 8 months ago


The second wrong.

Or...only one


[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

> Goddamnit.
> This is
> like getting
> rick[rolling something involves flattening it]


Found this on Mastodon. A "Christmas tree" of flasks with differently colored liquids.


cross-posted from:

...yeah. This is a thing. Both of these are things.


...yeah. This is a thing. Both of these are things.


In short: due to mishandling at the Port of Tampa Bay, some gasoline has been contaminated with diesel, and this gas was distributed to various gas stations -- mainly along the Gulf Coast of Florida (particularly unfortunate due to Idalia) but also elsewhere.


updated list: (linked above)

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from:

Edit: Added the city of Plantation.

A "BioBlitz" is an event where you go around and make observations of wildlife all around you using the citizen science app/website iNaturalist. The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) runs the "Parks for Pollinators" BioBlitz every September, across the United States, lasting the whole month, and focusing mainly on plants and the animals that pollinate them (mainly insects and birds) in local parks. But you can record observations of any sort of living thing you want, anywhere, as much as you want, anytime.

Here's their homepage for it: ...but probbaly more relevant is the iNaturalist project for it (click here, or the link at the top). You can use the map to see the various BioBlitzes going on all over the country as part of NRPA's umbrella event. Hopefully, there's one near you!

If there is, be sure to check your local events calendars, because there might be special events on specific days. For example, here in Florida, there are the following BioBlitz events (and some have special events on specific days - I'm not sure about the last three, but you can check yourself):

But, of course, you can go to these places anytime in September to participate -- you don't need a special event.

If you want to participate, you'll need an iNaturalist account, and any relevant observations you make in participating locations will automatically be counted in applicable projects. If you join the project, you'll also get the project's badge displayed on your observation!

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(cross-posted from:

Edit: Added the city of Plantation.

There's the following BioBlitz events in state of Florida next month: (links go to their iNaturalist projects)

I don't know when the last three are having their special events (if any); check with their parks or local government calendars. But the BioBlitz events last the whole month so you can still participate even if there aren't special events!

Not sure what this is all about?

A "BioBlitz" is an event where you go around and make observations of wildlife all around you using the citizen science app/website iNaturalist.

Every September, the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) runs the "Parks for Pollinators" BioBlitz, which involves a bunch of such events across the US, lasting the whole month, and focusing mainly on plants and the animals that pollinate them (mainly insects and birds) in local parks. But, with an iNaturalist account, you can record observations of any sort of living thing you want, anywhere, as much as you want, anytime.

The umbrella project page on iNaturalist for NRPA's BioBlitz events is linked at the top. I looked on its map and found all the projects for BioBlitz events in Florida. Hopefully, there's one near you!

They all last the whole month, but some of them have special events on specific days. I've listed the ones I know of. But, of course, you can go to these places anytime in September to participate. (Or just make observations on iNat anytime, anywhere.)

If you want to participate, you'll need an iNaturalist account, and any relevant observations you make in participating locations will automatically be counted in applicable projects. If you join the project, its badge will also appear on your observations that are part of the project! (Feel free to ask questions about how to join/use iNaturalist.)

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: Added the city of Plantation.

A "BioBlitz" is an event where you go around and make observations of wildlife all around you using the citizen science app/website iNaturalist. The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) runs the "Parks for Pollinators" BioBlitz every September, across the United States, lasting the whole month, and focusing mainly on plants and the animals that pollinate them (mainly insects and birds) in local parks. But you can record observations of any sort of living thing you want, anywhere, as much as you want, anytime.

Here's their homepage for it: ...but probbaly more relevant is the iNaturalist project for it (click here, or the link at the top). You can use the map to see the various BioBlitzes going on all over the country as part of NRPA's umbrella event. Hopefully, there's one near you!

If there is, be sure to check your local events calendars, because there might be special events on specific days. For example, here in Florida, there are the following BioBlitz events (and some have special events on specific days - I'm not sure about the last three, but you can check yourself):

But, of course, you can go to these places anytime in September to participate -- you don't need a special event.

If you want to participate, you'll need an iNaturalist account, and any relevant observations you make in participating locations will automatically be counted in applicable projects. If you join the project, you'll also get the project's badge displayed on your observation!


cross-posted from: (I meant to post here first but the alternate spellings of "pal(a)eontology" got me mixed up lol)

Just forwarding along a two-toot thread from @[email protected] post with some Mastodon accounts related to paleontology. Copy-pasted and edited the relevant text here for y'all's convenience:

➡️[email protected] - Featuring lots of well-preserved fossils, run by Kansas Geological Survey
➡️[email protected] (main) &[email protected] (museum) - Exec Director at Western Science Center, Calif. Expert on #mastodons
➡️[email protected] - Evolutionary #palaeobiologist, senior lecturer in #zoology at Univ. of Lincoln, UK
➡️[email protected] - Archaeologist & criminologist at Maastricht Univ, studying #fossil smuggling
➡️[email protected] - #Palaeontologist & #plesiosaur expert, curator at Nottingham Natural History Museum in UK
➡️[email protected] - Fossil illustrator & science educator
➡️[email protected] - In #palaeobiology dept at Univ. of Toronto, researching cat fossils
➡️[email protected] - Palaeontology student & makes Lego dinos
➡️[email protected] - Comics set in Earth's distant past
➡️[email protected] - Works with fossils & x-rays at Univ. of Manchester

If you have a Mastodon account, you can just plop these links in the search bar on your own instance and find them!


GOG is having a "Pixel Worlds" sale, with deals on games (DRM-free as usual, of course) that use pixel graphics. It will continue for two more days and change.

My personal highlights include the following three metroidvania titles:
Chasm -75%
Phoenotopia Awakening -60%
Timespinner -50%

There are several pages of games on sale; others famous ones include Stardew Valley, the Contra Anniversary Collection, two of the Shantae games, and One Step From Eden (i'm gonna pick up that last one).

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

TL;DR for anyone from Mander:

Small mander logo: in the bottom right quadrant, between the EU flag and Ramona Flowers. Seems like this one was done by @[email protected] very early on in the event. Much later, near the end of the event, I just added the text above it.

Big Mander logo: check in the top half, near the center, to the right of the Swedish flag. Was planned out by yours truly (not knowing we already had the small logo), though @[email protected] / @[email protected] came by and helped out actually placing the pixels (thank you!). The outline/background around the text was done by various other users, including @[email protected] , @[email protected] , and @[email protected] -- thanks for coming by to help beautify our logo!

Original post's text below.
cross-posted from:

Thanks for joining in! The canvas is now finished!

I’m going to be leaving the canvas up and read-only for a couple days, but not too long.

This was incredibly fun to host, thank you all for participating!

Future Events

I’d love to make this a yearly event. Expanding from just Lemmy to the entirety of the fediverse aswell!

I’ll reuse this Lemmy community & the Matrix space for that event

If you have suggestions for future events, post them in a comment on this post, each suggestion as it’s own comment so people can vote on them



submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So this thing is happening:

It's hosted by the good folks at and here's a link to the community for this: [email protected]

I was thinking we can get a GOG logo onto here. I've drawn up the attached image as the template I'm using. And I've started painting this with my top left corner being 98,208.

Come join in!

Edit: Modified the image. The exact pixel art is at the top left but I've provided a blown-up version that's probably easier to see. Though you can always just download the image, open it up in MS Paint or something, and blow it up yourself.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I reproduced our logo in pixel art, added our domain name in text, and I'm gonna start adding this to the Canvas.

The bottom right corner (where I'm starting) is located at 646, 205.

Come join me! And decorate this further if you'd like!

(How to join: )

Edit: look like the picture is a little small because it's pixel art. You may want to download it and open it up in MS Paint or something then zoom in a lot.

Edit2: I found a mistake in my template: there's one extra gray pixel on the right side, diagonally up/left from the uppermost black pixel of the...uh...chelicera I guess.

Edit3: There are actually three extra gray pixels, the other two are to the right and above the one I just mentioned.

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