Sinking Ukraine in endless debt that they default on so it will be swept up by the oligarchy is good for American oligarchs.
'but Republicans' is always the default to distract that Democrats can't govern.
They care for empire more than they do its citizens. And I'm going to bet most of the people that are down voting you are also struggling financially while defending our country ignoring them.
In the meantime US homeless is at another all time high, which tops last years all time high. 18.1% higher than last years high of 12%
And they'll do it again next election.
Who said anything about Trump? This entire discussion is about how Democrats lost.
Critique of one is not an automatic endorsement of the other.
Gingrich had nothing to do with the DLC or 3rd way Democrats. Clinton helped pave the way towards fascism.
Both poverty and homelessness skyrocketed under the 'most progressive president since FDR™'
She didn't lose because shes a black woman, she lost because she was running the same campaign the old white man did.
Old senile man who's own campaign never showed internal polling he would beat Trump says what?
Because POS like Biden helped write provisions in a bankruptcy bill that allows Social Security to cut benefits for unpaid student debt.
Instead, the Democratic opposition is Interpretive dance, wearing pink, while holding paddle boards.