Kangaru chronicles
Didnt even last an hour
The government will keep your money probably lol
And boosting EU Honestly, i think trump is the best thing that happened for the EU.
Finally waking up from their USA reliance sleeping pill
We had a curtain rythem to this stuff! He causes trouble, we make memes. He yells and we feel good. And the game would start all over again! Russian war crimes are just not the same without him. War crime has no punchline anymore
Hitler promises to not invade the rest of czechoslovakia
Chaimberlin returns home, waiving the paper in the air, declairing war to be avoided and we erected statues of him and every day on the 5th march we celebrate chaimberlin day!
Random: Hitler invaded the rest of czechislovakia
Chaimberlin: What?
Random: Hitler invaded the rest of czechislovakia
Chaimberlin to Hitler: you lied to me
Hitler: what do you expect? I'm hitler
I mean we could start that global union
Sister unions for Developers and the other for system admins
For me as someone with ADHD and Autism i could list so many. But the most useless defenetly are:
"Just use a planner"
"You can learn to reign it in, others have learned to do so too!"
"Dont throw such a fit over something that small! I only changed your routine/moved around your entire order"
"You just need to focus more!"
"Pull yourself up by the bootstraps!"
I see tf2, i click
Align with the devil...
It is a song by spitting britain about apparthaid south afrika and the racists