I live my life 400m at a time
I'd be touching the hell out of that W goddamn
Or put more simply, "fuck you I got mine".
While I highly disagree with the concept of turning the office of president into even more of a joke by purposefully electing more celebrities, someone like Nick Offerman or Robert Downey Jr. Would easily be able to defeat just about any Republican candidate just on popularity alone.
The suffering is the point. It's got nothing to do with morals or human rights or the death penalty or abortion or "Christian values". It's all about making "those people" suffer.
Great write up, thank you for that
It's always the redhead. Always.
GNU's Not Unix
I guess I'm in the minority, but I really like it
So you'd normally say "that's too much!" in which case the subject "that" is plural and countable so therefore "much" would be correct.
Otherwise you should say "you have given me too many refried beans!" since the beans are volumetric and not countable entities.
It's been a while since I've done long exposure photography and composites, but my recollection is that excessive noise is a symptom of long exposure and high ISO, and stacking multiple shorter exposures into a composite will significantly reduce the noise of the final photo.
I live my life 400 meters at a time. For those 10 metric seconds or less nothing else matters.