
joined 2 years ago

I made a stick figure animation and so here it is

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

i am pro subaru sanbar and everyone will know it

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

+1 to Undead Unluck, I can't believe how good it got from where it started. Phenominal stuff.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

There's potentially a bot that can post weekly currently airing anime episode discussion threads, but it'd be good to know what shows people are watching this season. The rest of the community would drown if we posted a thread for every show that's currently airing, so that'll be a problem that needs solving. I'll look into that bot in the meantime!


I'm thinking about hosting some kind of event to help drive participation in the community.

Some ideas we could do:

  • Weekly anime rewatch
    • A classic staple in anime communities, everyone gets together and agrees on a show to watch weekly, and we have a thread discussing it. This is the most likely candidate as of now because of its simplicity and wide audience reach.
  • Beehaw Sings?
    • Probably not this one, but I always have fun with these. I doubt the community is big enough to sustain this currently.
  • Art collaboration of some kind?
    • Also probably not, but if the majority of our userbase just coincidentally happens to be artists this would be fun. Slightly more plausible than Beehaw Sings because there are many mediums of art.

If you are interested in participating in some kind of event, please comment! This is also doubling as a "are people actually interested in this" post.

If you have any ideas for more types of events we could do, please share them! I'll add the ones I could feasibly run to the list.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

If you haven't read it already, the Erased manga has a different ending from the anime. Its been a long time since i've read it so I dont remember if it was better or worse than the anime ending though.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

In fairness to the FATE series (not that it particularly deserves it, it was just important to me growing up so i feel the need to defend it lol), it is adapting a visual novel that takes 30 hours for the first route alone, with more if you count unlimited blade works and heaven's feel. A lot of what gets cut out is internal dialogue that provides the MC's actual justifications/logic for his actions, making him a lot dumber in the adaptions. Additionally, there's a lot of VERY JUSTIFIED censorship near the end of basically every fate VN route adaption which is why we get CGI dolphins all the time.

That said, neither Zero nor Apocrypha have this excuse, they were adapted from a light novels and not visual novels and to the best of my knowledge they're pretty straight forward adaptions.

Totally unrelated but Zero and F/SN mutually spoil each other, which i've always thought was pretty funny. There's no correct entry point because you're literally incapable of watching both shows without one spoiling the other.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

True, but its funnier in entertainment because I know they can't hurt me!

[–] 39 points 2 years ago

far right group advocates for website that caters to far right groups

not even remotely a surprise to me, beyond I guess the fact that the taliban would have said anything at all about it

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

It depends on what qualifies as "watched". If you mean "what was the first anime you watched all the way through" it would be some 2012 anime like Code Geass or something. The first anime I ever remember watching seasonally was Parasyte: The Maxim, because a friend of mine told me I might like it but it turned out there was only 1 episode of it out. That's definitely when ~~the infection~~ my passion for anime began. I started watching everything I could get my hands on seasonally then. Parasyte is still a 10/10 show by the way, and it 2000% holds up today.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I'm not sure if Guilty Crown fumbled the ending or if it just was garbage right from the outset, but I distinctly remember everyone hating its big tone shift with the MC going hyper edgelord mode.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

A fence is someone who knowingly purchases stolen goods, typically for less than retail price.

[–] 6 points 2 years ago (8 children)

Downvote are disabled on this instance. Its not a bug, its a feature!

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

I'll go with my favorite team, because there's no way I could ever just pick one.

Blaziken, who journeyed with me from ruby to pearl to white(shortly, i didn't actually play this one), to XY, they'll always have a place in my heart.

Then, Aron, Plusle and Minun, Sylveon, and Talonflame!

Honorable mentions to Mimikyu and Shuppet.

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