I am playing no games, dickless
Ah yes of course. Wealth = success. Tried and tested, corporate approved line. There is nothing that wealth cannot buy. Nothing of any worth to human experience is not encompassed in the pursuit of wealth and money.
It sure is a good thing that the world offers us all exactly the same opportunities to be "successful" and that is the true measure of a person.
What a pathetic world view, my guy.
The reason we have arrived here is because no one wants to do the hard work of MAKING a functional society. We all do JUST BARELY ENOUGH for it all to not fall apart, do everything the easiest way possible, never mind the results being shit.
Obviously it would be easier to reorganize the Dems. But it would be poisoned from the beginning.
I am quite familiar. I have desired the sweet embrace of death since I was 6. Literally all of my life that I remember. I said deeply sad because it's more succinct than all that you said. My point is that, that feeling of hopelessness and exhaustion IS A REASONABLE RESPONSE to the world we live in. Or rather, an understandable biological response. It's not something that should be medicated away, we should change society to avoid that for more people.
That's because sometimes the good and healthy response to external stimuli, is deep sadness. You can't just medicate away all perceptions of reality. The idea that you should even try is toxic. It's a capitalist fever dream to medicate away anything that makes someone even slightly less productive to the rich's interests.
Are you aware of what everyone is doing in their garages or planning in their minds? Not everyone talks openly about very dire measures that they feel may be necessary in the future. A big part of the pepper community is to not tell people about your stash. I imagine that line of thinking extends to this as it's basically the same mindset