Never built a PC before, but I've got some tech awareness, LTT videos, Digital Foundry, that kind of thing. I've also helped friends build PCs, but I've never actually pulled the trigger and built my own PC, so I'm hoping to get some experienced eyes on this thing to help out! I based this build off PcPartPickers default "AMD build", and replaced many of the parts one by one.
Budget is about 1500$ CAD, and I'm hoping to use this thing as a living room gaming PC. I've also got a Series X, so I'm mostly looking to run emulators at high settings, mod some games, play some of the Sony exclusives that hit PC, some non-crossplay multiplayer, that kind of thing.
Looking to get something upgradable, that I can build onto in the future as well. Thus my paying a little more for AM5, for example.
Please let me know if I'm buying anything dumb, or making any missteps like not getting enough VRAM for modern system emulators or something. Incredibly nervous and excited about finally doing this! Thanks so much for any help you can give!
Yeah, HDR is one of my main hangups as well. Very interested in moving my living room gaming PC over (the only place I deal with Windows), but I need a lot of things to just work with little to no hassle, and also no hit to performance. I didn't build a very expensive PC for a compromised experience, as much as Windows is regularly a massive PITA.