Yeeeessss. You don't fuck with HR.
Gotta find a non-patronizing way to ask if they need help, a hug, or to be heard.
I live in liberal hipster paradise, Portland, Oregon (I say that completely unironically and lovingly). I don't think I have seen a gun or heard a gunshot in town (except police as others have covered). There is definitely gun violence around, I just haven't encountered it. I definitely have friends who have never handled a gun.
Get out of town, though, into a state forest or something, and you are bound to hear people out target shooting. Most folks do it safe places like quarries so they can shoot into a wall, but once and a while I come across a spot where there is nothing to stop a bullet but trees. As a person who does a lot of off trail mushroom hunting I think this is the most likely way that I get shot. I really wish there was some sort of training required to own a firearm.
A lot of people like to carry when they hike and camp too, which I think is as silly as keeping a gun under your pillow. Like, that is just asking for a terrible accident. In fact someone I know was shot and killed while out hiking and I can only imagine it was some kind of stupid accident or over reaction or something.
Sorry for rambling, this is my kind of everyday interaction with guns. PS, my partner and I own several handguns, an AK 47, a shot gun, and some rifles. Many of them were inherited and we never really shoot them anymore. It's weird.
We do all of our voting by mail and get a pamphlet with most of the serious candidates. It is really great and we have like two weeks to work on it. It isn't like we showed up at the poll and were confronted with this and had to fill it out on the spot.
It looks pretty overwhelming, but remember that all of our voting is by mail. I had my ballot and voter guides for at least two weeks before the election. I felt like it took some work, but I had plenty of time and info to make informed choices.
I am in a district that had 30 city council candidates. There are three seats in each district and I already knew a few of the folks running in my district, so it was pretty easy.
Overall I really liked the rank choice, especially for mayor. There was one candidate I really didn't like and I did not really have to choose between the other front runners based on who I thought had a better chance of winning (I also didn't have a clear favorite between them).
They are trying to be 90s, but I love it. I thought they had a site counter at some point, but maybe I am misremembering and it was just the guest book.
Brownies too, I am not a fan.
Jesus was so cool
No wonder there are so many Christians
Sticker Ninja is a really great small company that puts out really quality stickers.
To piggyback on this, for this of us who enjoy a refrigerator cluttered with magnets, you can stick them to the fridge! I have a bunch of magnetic hematite on my fridge and have a scissor, lighter, multiple chip clips, and pens stuck to it. No more digging through a junk drawer!