Puzzle #652
Yellow and green are often a toss-up, didn't see any difference in difficulty or type here.
If your remote is completely empty and has no commits, you can just push normally. If it has an auto-generated "initial commit" (pretty sure Github does something like that), you could force push, or merge your local branch into the remote branch and push normally. I think cloning the repo and copying the contents of your local repo into it is the worst option: you'll lose all local commits.
Very much depends on the individual psychologist. When an individual comes to a psychologist with societal problems, the best they can offer is individual solutions, but they don't have to place the blame on the individual. They very often don't, in fact, and most of the psychologists I've had were of the opinion that most of their patients' problems could be solved if society didn't demand "normalcy" from everyone.
For autism specifically this is an easy argument to make too, and there's organisations that advocate for autism acceptance. For paranoid delusions though... I think that has to be managed at the individual level. Not necessarily with meds, maybe therapy and a support structure would be enough. Unless you can find something in modern society that causes paranoid delusions? Then we might be able to fix that.
Shrek: Ogres are like photoshop.Donkey: They make you cry?
Shrek: NO. Layers. Photoshop has layers. Ogres have layers. Photoshop has layers. You get it? We both have layers.