Ad agency = psyop propaganda mill
Aren’t Mammoths extinct? I’ll see myself out
I finally looked at a cyber truck up close in a parking lot the other day and holy shit the gaps between the panels are huge
My dumbass would’ve interpreted that as ‘I’m a trump supporter’ and definitely not gotten any action
Can I offer you an aluminum pole in this trying time?
He is gonna use those for terrible things
Putin’s D all ‘bout them lips
That’s literally an Onion article
Thanks for feedback for a sense of severity. If I understand correctly, dosimeter have different time constants and I think this one was pretty cheap/slow, meaning the actual level is higher. The instructions said you have to hold it there for a minute for the reading to be accurate. We didn’t do but 10-15 seconds to get the 11 as I didn’t wanna be around it anymore
That doesn’t look like it. But very cool! TIL
It was this I think Fiestaware. After reading about its doses that sounds right. I remember now the meter was 11 mR/hr which on the dosimeter was no longer clicking but pretty solid on.
Via human trafficking