The honest problem is that the hyper-wealthy just don't go outside or do anything meaningful. They are in climate controlled buildings and vehicles 24/7. They don't cook. They don't feel price fluctuations in goods. Their home(s) are numerous and in the best areas, but even that is moot, as they are rarely at home. They travel and work constantly, and are never subjected to anything but the finest accomodations. Their world is very controlled, and orderly, and pleasant. They literally live in a different reality. They don't get it. And yet, they control the environment us regular people live in/are subjected to. Our struggles are trivia to them. Mere inconveniences. We're just obstacles in their way. Our displeasure is just a "notification" to clear. Whatever they can do to shut us up, or get us off their case, they do that. Right and wrong be damned. The future be damned. By the time it effects them directly and they are forced to deal with consequences, our corpses will be components of massive burning heaps.
focused on something other
Perhaps how constituents got absolutely hammered by extreme weather, tornados, etc, over the weekend as he simultaneously dismantles weather science funding and aid, while also denying that climate change is an issue. Or possibly deporting legal immigrants, against specific instructions not to, in some real transparent dictator type behavior.
Living somewhere else is quite tempting in a grass is greener way, but it feels like moving out of my house because of pests. What I'd really rather do is eradicate the pests and get my home back. Even if I move, how long until I have to suffer new pests? Meanwhile the more sane of the two completely out of touch parties that comprise my government are like my housemate, and they keep leaving food wrappers and shit all over the place and they refuse to call an exterminator because it would be "cruel". But these no-kill traps ain't doing shit. Figuratively speaking, of course.
You're most certainly part of the problem. You're like someone who complains about local restaurants closing, but keeps buying drive through. Reddit isn't better, it's merely easier, but it's also a terrible value and bad for your health.
There is nothing positive that Reddit is capable of, that Lemmy is not. It all comes down to shifting the audience. Lemmy keeps improving, while Reddit keeps getting worse. All Reddit has is inertia, the energy of which came from a distant, nearly forgotten push. Put some time and effort in, help build something rather than merely consume it.
You should also know that one dose often isn't enough, and they may re-overdose when it wears off, so at the very least stay with them until emergency services show up. Also, there is a moderate chance they will be violent when you resuscitate them, so be weary. Do not get on your knees for example, keep at least one foot planted so that you can rapidly extricate yourself if they come up angry.
If you were a purse snatcher, and your victim gave chase as you ran away. And you were shouting "Stop! Stop them!" The people on the street would be at least as confused enough to let you run past, as you'd both be shouting and calling for help. It's weaponized projection. Double speak. It's no more unintentional than using a Nazi salute and claiming it to be a gesture of endearment.
I don't care who burns 'em. So long as they're burnt.