Puppymonkeybaby made a cameo in a new commercial last night. I had completely forgotten about puppymonkeybaby until I saw it.
That was a cat. You saw a cat an hour ago. Indigenous people and women have never existed. It's been straight white men since Adam and Steve. Wait...
Depending on how you prepare and organize, it can also make it more likely.
According to etymonline.com, capital comes from "Latin capitalis 'of the head'". Capitol comes from "Latin Capitolium, [the] name of the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, protector of the city, on the Capitoline Hill in ancient Rome". The American architecture "deliberately evokes Roman republican imagery". The "relationship of Capitoline to capital is likely but not certain".
Interesting! Thanks for making me look that up!
At least Lassie isn't the one causing the danger.
I hope...
That value of continued campaigns should be weighed against the requirement that voters need to vote multiple times. Depending on how the votes are cast (in-person vs. mail-in, precinct-based vs. county-based, etc.), subsequent rounds of voting would likely see diminishing voter turnout.
I like to think "rouge bureaucrats" is another name for conservative bureaucrats.
Damn, if that's not what they call the cafeteria in the Supreme Court Building, I'm going to be thoroughly disappointed.
To quote Sonny from In the Heights, "racism in this nation has gone from latent to blatant". And that was in 2008. I wonder what he'd say now.