I would like this feature on each comment. I'm not a fan of the bottom navigation bar
Is there an option to enable next/previous buttons on the comment itself?
Awesome, downloading now! Can't wait to try it
I still prefer the navigation buttons. I just can't get used to gesture controls
Would you consider adding an option to move the thumbnails to the right?
This is the 'reversed list' option under the post customization settings
I agree! I'm not a fan of animations in general. I have them disabled in the system settings and it would be nice to have the option to do so in Connect.
I've noticed this too. My Watch 5 seems laggy at times even when it's not doing much.
It means that is your default feed that loads when you open the app. You can change your default by tapping the vertical ellipses next to each feed.
Looks like Kuro just pushed an update (version 101) and it seems to have fixed this issue. Thanks Kuro!
I agree. This would be very useful
The red icon means there are comments and black means there are no comments yet
Looks great, thanks for the hard work!
Additional theming would be nice. Personally, I would like the option to move the upvote/downvote arrows and points count to the left of the post in list mode.