Personally, I'm holding on to two copies and the controller.
Solar charging controllers sounds like a terrible idea. Despite the fact that I doubt that it could charge enough while playing to actually make a difference, you also shouldn't keep your controllers in direct light. Anyone that is a fan of collecting retro consoles is familiar with yellowing caused by sun.
That was supposed to be COVID. It wasn't enough.
Seconding Dying Light 1 and Borderlands 2. Excellent games! If you're open to 3rd person, Helldivers 2 and The Division 2. No idea about DRM, though.
Ebola Gay
Funny, I feel like it could use one. I felt like part 1 concluded nicely. Part 2 did as well, but it felt more open. There are multiple characters that were important to the story that are doing their own thing now.
Based on what you said, these are not required for you to do your job, only for you to improve your position. It is not unreasonable for you to use personal time for self-improvement. It's also not unreasonable for you to use company downtime for self-improvement.
Honestly, I forgot about the puzzles in Fenix Rising. All I can remember was Zeus not shutting the fuck up. Apparently they eventually released an update that allows you to tune that down. Honestly, it wasn't a bad game. It wasn't a great game either.
Immortals Fenyx Rising
I would never think to describe that game as Zelda-like. Because you can climb things?? Why not call it Assassin's Creed-like at that point?
I didn't realize that Netflix actually bought the studio. I just thought they licensed the game or something.
As a US citizen, I can't get over how envious I am of your EU citizenship.