actor is being treated as a gender-neutral term describing both genders more recently.
"Somethin's Wrong with the G-Diffuser!"
"... I guess I should be Thankful..."
"Hey, what's the big Idea!?"
"Don't party just yet. It's time to try our new weapon"
"Somebody beat us here. it's all gone!"
"Still think there's Nothing to Chaos Theory?"
the secret is that all logos are soulless slop. you just become attached to the old ones due to familiarity. when that familiarity is removed, you see it for what it really is.
It's about technological advancement and its augmentation of the human condition (think social media, phones, and the internet). There are people who resist these changes, often mislabelled as 'luddites' (the Luddites of the 19th century specifically opposed automation for its threat to jobs, but were reprehensive of all technology as a part of that).
This meme is just taking those who berate Luddites to their ultimate conclusion, which is a hive mind where all personal autonomy is lost, and it could be argued they cease to exist as a distinct individual. The flesh part of it is merely a means of making it more grotesque.
I believe it's just a view of humanity eventually evolving towards a hive mind that's a single consciousness.
It's not really new. The concept exists in sci fi. First case seems to be in 'The Human Termites' in David H. Keller's 1929 'Wonder Stories' (according to Wikipedia). The specific idea of the flesh nexus is mostly just an evolution of that.
That's the beauty of decentralized activism. You do it your way, I do it mine, and whichever works grows by success. Parallelized trial and error.
I'm so cooked - I thought the pic was a video because I mistook the handles in the glass as a pause icon.
The above agitprop post is not anti-revolutionary, it is just not explicitly revolutionary. It does not make pipelining harder, as it transitions smoothly into agitprop promoting militant protection of communities and community activism which can mesh cleanly with revolution.
Liberals and progressives are both still solidly in the "work within the system" camp but are receptive to community building and counter-establishment action. I've seen them receptive to as far as underground distribution of abortion meds, and even activist vandalism. Most are still shy of the idea of taking up arms, and any mention of 'revolution'. I expect you will end up getting better capture by just omitting talking about revolution and instead just talking about the actual practices and infrastructure that lead to it.
That seems like a pretty arbitrary rule which no other political groups doing pipelining adhere to. Outside messages often contradict as you go deeper with white supremacy, cults, and neoliberal rhetoric. They also constantly leave out the more extreme messaging on the outside and slowly ramp up the other stuff.
I don't doubt you've moved leftists further left, but actually shifting centrists, conservatives, or anyone else does not seem likely with your approach.
Plenty of conservative libertarian farmer types who voted for trump would agree about the importance of community, but they will immediately check out if you even hint at toppling the government, or even mentioning socialized infrastructure. We need to adjust our agitprop so it can at least start reaching out that far, and by doing so we'll be more likely to capture centrists for pipelining. We need a large portion of most countries if we want a global revolution, and we need agitprop that can gain that.
Again, whether necessary or not, you are immediately alienating anyone who isn't ready for revolution by always putting it in the message. If we expect to ever compete with centrist and fascist propaganda, we must implement their same tactics in our agitprop, which means pipelining.
At the same time, what revolution means also varies. Some think hacktivism, asking for Jane, and other counter-establishment movements - for others it's waging a guerilla war against the US government and the upper class. I just want to get the ball rolling, regardless of where it starts rolling.
In what way were they the worst? Were their arguments exceptionally bad?