
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 hours ago

Was this an ad for that Tango thing?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

I'm just pretty impressed by the stone age guy drawing 25 cave paintings per second on top of all the writing (before it's even invented) to produce Black Mirror (before Mirrors are invented) with the technology at the time.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

Hope the EU aid has some doctors as well to help that woman with her creepy event horizon demon eyes

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Hmm but if the big stumbling block before was that one of the only 2 parties you have to choose from didn't want PR to become a state on the basis of its population generally voting the other party, and now that's changed and they prefer the party that previously opposed their integration in to the union, wouldn't the party that formerly supported them now simply become opposed?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I don't live in the states but there's similar systems in some department stores here in Australia and I suspect, but don't know, that applicable law in these cases is broadly similar. The store and their employees aren't law enforcement and can't arrest you or have any legal recourse for you ignoring their demands to stop and allow your receipt to be checked. They likely also have the right to refuse service to you and deny you entry to their premises and so long as this isn't being done for a small number of specifically forbidden reasons (such as on the basis of race for example) they don't need a legal justification to do so. This would mean that refusing to comply with their receipt checking policy might be enough if they see fit, to decide to deny you entry to their stores going forward. Many large department stores are incorporating facial recognition and don't it seems feel the need for proper informed consent beyond some printed signage saying that but entering you're consenting, so the practicality of them doing this is at least a little bit higher these days but I guess there's no way to assess how likely this really is.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I guess they might say if you include the deportations it'd be over 100%

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Can't believe they couldn't find a way to include one more t in that acronym, I mean come on, at this point you're just obligated to.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I didn't know who that was before looking it up and I totally thought you were taking about the Pokemon lol

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I haven't been presented with any Ts and C's. Do they apply if I already installed Firefox before this?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

This is the most obvious answer but given OP's strong feelings on the matter, they presumably already thought this would be the best course of action and would already be doing it were it so easy. They didn't say it directly but I think the problem they're having is that their colleagues are not only themselves choosing to waste their time in this manner but because they are, they are expecting it of OP and it sounds like they're having some kind of conflict about it that they've brought up with OP directly. I'm guessing some of them have complained to OP or indicated to them that they're "supposed" to be ready by 12.30 even though they're wrong.

This makes it difficult because in that scenario OP can't simply plough on doing their job to the letter of the contract and just ignore the others, they have to choose to actively fight it out with them or just relent and start arriving early. It sounds like what they're having the dilemma about is if it sounds reasonable to have that fight, given that although it feels important to OP, they recognise that it's more about the principle of the matter than the objective scale of the problem. Seems like they recognise that 5 minutes of their time wouldn't be that big a deal as their colleagues have concluded, making it seem petty or disruptive to have that fight and all the awkwardness that will ensue just for those 5 minutes, but the principle that they should have to give up any extra time at all, regardless how long, just because their workmates are doing it is troubling OP.

Depending on how whiny and motivated his colleagues are it might be advisable to pick their battles and let this go, but if they think they're in a position to stand their ground and not have to suffer too many consequences and loss of standing with their workmates then of course they should, and even encourage others to do the same. I don't think we have enough of an idea what their workplace is like to know which one of those situations they're in.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (4 children)

I think this is a contender for the ugly stakes.


Kind of a two fold problem. First and most importantly, you press the profile button from the 3 lines menu on left of screen expecting to see your own profile and instead it displays someone else's profile who's not even on the same instance. The second is that now, changing user (I have one on one instance and another on another) goes to profile view rather than the front page or local or all of the instance for the chosen account (it is also of course, displaying the wrong user profile when it does this as well).

Though the choice of incorrect user profile seems to be random, it does settle on the one user and will always display that one. It seems to have selected someone from the lemmy.nsfw instance who likes AI porn in this case. I don't have any accounts on that instance and have never interacted with content they're commenting on lol.


I've played this game since only a couple of years after release, but on other people's systems. I used to see people use Samus' grapple as a recovery mechanism not just grabbing but my play style got too ingrained for me to really learn new tricks and I considered this too hard and never took advantage of it.

I want to learn it now and it seems like it should be simple but something's wrong and I can't figure out what. I throw hook towards a vertical surface, it seems to 'latch on' but I can't figure out how to reel in after that. The hook just extends as samus falls until cancels out and she dies. I thought maybe I should be pushing the stick in the direction of the grapple hook, but it doesn't work, I tried holding other buttons after the latch on animation begins but nothing. I'm using an Xbox series X controller with Dolphin on Mac OS. Am I just too stupid to figure this out, or is it a glitch to do with this configuration?

EDIT: Oh wait, nevermind. Even though I thought I wasn't, I was unconsciously holding the grab button after the throw. As it turns out if you don't do that, and you press A after the latch on, it works.


They don't even really fit properly, but it happens every time and I find myself trying to find ways to fit the lyrics to the tune. In particular, the lyrics "I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air" feels like it sorta fits right, even if the rest of the song doesn't.

That is all.


When I started using Connect, all the other apps I'd tried for Lemmy were so janky that I considered this too small an issue to ask about but after many versions I'd like to get to the bottom of it and see if it's just my phone.

In landscape mode, images will frequently not scale to fit the screen so you're essentially looking at a small section of the image greatly zoomed in. This would be frustrating at the best of times but it couples with another oddity of Connect, which is how it handles standard touchscreen ways of interacting with images. When the image is incorrectly scaled as I described you can't zoom out so you have to have this zoomed in view and try to pan around to view the image in sections but that can't really be done either because there's flow on effects to this glitch making that impossible. You simply can't move the image around enough to be able view the whole image when no matter how careful you are because there's some kind of imposed limit on the movement which is very small and if you exceed it, the image closes back to the comments again. Often though no always, if you zoom in by double tapping, you can't then zoom out again to where you were before and sometimes this also goes for pinch to zoom, if you try to move the image around to see at least a bit more of it, you have to do so very carefully because if you move by too much, or too quickly it closes the image and returns to the comments or posts view. Also if you single tap an image, it closes the image as well. It will also frequently kind of rubber band the image back to where you started if you didn't move it in just the right way.

If you view in portrait mode, things are a lot better, but still odd. You still have all the weird image navigation issues described above, but they are made worse because to adequately view most landscape images in portrait you're really going to have to zoom significantly but that means lots of extreme movement and if you're not very careful with this, you end up closing the image and also sometimes you'll zoom in on a feature and now it won't zoom out again and you need to reload the image. Also in portrait mode, the image loads at the very top of the screen under the UI 'x' in the corner for quitting the image which means to actually see that part of the image unobscured you have to move the image by a large amount which puts you at great risk of accidentally closing it. On phones with notches this is especially annoying because loading the image at the very top puts it below the notch as well.


I love that game and it's the best RTS I've played. It seemed to basically rip off the CIV games heavily but simplify them and put them in an RTS context. Everything I loved about Age of Empires as a kid but much better and also spanning the ancient age to the information age.

I run an M2 max mac, which makes things complicated, but I'm open to jumping through some hoops if such hoops exist to make something that wasn't supposed to work on Mac, work on Mac, but would need to know if it even can be done for that particular game. Also obviously direct compatibility out of the box would be great.

I really don't want anything that's multiplayer only, as I'm unlikely to ever play online and prefer single player games

I really hate free to play games and just want to buy the game in its finished state outright that will stay the same for as long as I own it and then just pay for any expansions or new additions at my discretion if they get released.

I'd like it to have the same all of history spanning scope for tech.

I like there to be air units and navy units.


I recently bought an external PCIe enclosure so I could make use of a specific PCIe device in an editing setup. One of the nice things about this particular enclosure is that it also happens to come with an m.2 slot for NVME drives as well.

Usually when I edit with my home set up, I'm provided with the storage by the client, and even if not, at the very least, video media, plus backups takes up a lot of room and NVME drives are expensive so I'd usually opt for something cheaper as the actual location for the footage and assets. I figured then that it might be take advantage of an NVME drive of a smaller, more affordable capacity and use it just as a location for video render cache that I just clear after every project wraps. The high speeds of these drives seems like it would be a good fit for this purpose.

However I've heard that SSDs, including NVME are famously short lived and have particularly short life spans in terms of number of write operations. Is that still the case and would the constant writing and clearing of relatively small video files actually be kind of the worst use of one of these drives?


My understanding between TB4 and TB3 is that they're essentially the same, it's just that the standard of TB4 essentially mandates that the device must do all that TB3 maybe could do. Minimum bandwidth is increased and I think I read something about power delivery minimums as well. This eGPU chassis I bought came with it's own TB4 cable, which is actually the first Thunderbolt cable I've seen that specifically says "4" on it.

I assume the reason they supplied this is because, given what it does, an eGPU chassis is going to need to support some pretty bandwidth for a GPU. In my case though, I'm actually using this chassis not for a balls to the wall kick ass Graphics card, but actually to allow me to attach an old and very humble i/o card from Blackmagic. It's currently working just fine for that purpose.

Thing is, the supplied TB4 cable is pretty short and the chassis along with the ATX power supply mounted on it makes for a pretty hefty desk-space consuming setup. I'd like to move the whole setup somewhere fairly far off from the laptop to save me some precious desk space. I looked up 2m thunderbolt 4 cables which I understand is the longest distance you can get for TB4 and still maintain bandwidth and while it's not too bad, the prices are high for a cable. It occurs to me though that since I'm barely using a fraction of the available bandwidth anyway, could I use other, cheaper, long cables. USB4 comes up a lot in my search for 2m TB4 cables for example. (although they are mostly from AliExpress so don't know how good an idea it is to buy from them). If the chassis has TB4 controllers in it, as does the laptop to which it's attached, can one just put a USB4 cable between them? Are they physically different?

For that matter, since my bandwidth needs are so tiny, could I just find cheaper, longer TB3 cables?


I don't know my terminology very well. I just bought this eGPU enclosure. It also comes with an m.2 slot I suspect that's probably what this 4 pin power slot is for.

I have a spare ATX PSU to power this thing with and it's not modular, the cables come out of the PSU box in a big messy bundle and there's no where to detach or attach cables. There's lots of different connectors that come out of this bundle but alas no square arrangement of 2 rows of 2 pins as needed by this chassis.

There are however 2 such connectors that are kind of joined together through a little plastic catch, but in a manner where you can slide them apart. It's clearly intended that you can be able to separate these if you want to, but them being attached to each other in the first place has me a little worried.

The cable from which they each branch has TKG written on it and each of the connectors has L and R printed on it respectively. If I separate them, I can definitely fit one in to the slot, but is there any reason one shouldn't do this?

UPDATE: It works!! Initially the chassis wouldn't power on but I discovered that if I simply don't plug in the 4 pin slot at all then it does. I'm pretty sure that slot is for powering an m.2 drive if you have one and that was one of the things that made me decide to buy this particular chassis so it doesn't look great but I'm hoping that if I actually had an m.2 drive to test it with, that plugging in that PSU connector to the 4 pin slot would work, but at the moment, when there is no such drive connected, the entire chassis doesn't power on. Even better still, the blackmagic card works!! This is great because the manufacturer actually responded to my email asking if it would work too late and I had already ordered it and they said it wouldn't work so the fact that it does is a big relief. Word of advice for anyone testing this with standard computer monitors instead of proper reference monitors like me, it might say "out of range" or similar on your monitor for a lot of standard video frame rates, but for testing purposes, I was able to get it to work at 60p. No good for a real project, but hopefully with a real reference monitor that wouldn't be an issue.


Asking on another's behalf. I don't want to give too many details including the car make and model.

This person's new car has the ability for you to 'start' it and also 'turn off' when you finish the journey. It's confusing what the turn off really means. It keeps lights on for some time after you disembark the vehicle whether you want it to or not, and if you open a door it turns on the instrument cluster screen to display a diagram of the car with a door being opened. You can also turn on the infotainment screen and access some but not all options. The manual has some warning about not plugging things in when the car is off as it could drain the battery.

Is there some physical state the high voltage battery is in when the car is 'started' that's different to the state it's in when it's 'off'? Does it have some effect on wear when the battery cycles between those states too often?

This issue came up when they were thinking of buying a dash cam. The dashcam was designed mainly for ICE vehicles and has a feature called 'park mode' where the camera can be in a kind of standby off state while a vehicle is parked and the car engine is off, but can switch itself on if it detects some kind of movement or impact like if someone drives into your parked car. The dashcam website has some warning saying that for EVs, you should buy a separate battery pack for it because this 'parked mode' doesn't work if the dashcam is installed hard wired in to an EV. This is confusing because the 12v battery should always be accessible regardless of the car's "on/off" state and I would have thought worked just like it does in an ICE car, whereby the camera continues to draw some small amount of power to power the standby mode and allows the maximum power draw the camera could need if the camera is triggered by an impact. In ICE cars, this usually only works when something is hardwired because somehow the cigarette lighter outlet doesn't work without the engine running, (I guess by design so you don't drain the battery with accessories and can't start?) but it sounds like from the manual in this EV it continues to work whether the battery is considered "on" or "off" but conversely somehow if you hardwire an accessory to it doesn't?? It's unclear as well whether that means the dashcam's park mode would work if you plug it in to the cigarette lighter outlet of the EV rather than hardwiring, or if it just doesn't work in EVs no matter what you do and requires its own battery, which seems unlikely but is not spelled out anywhere.


I have sequential downloads enabled on my torrent client, I have a download speed that is fast enough that the ETA for the full download of the media is shorter than the duration of the media itself, and I can watch it in IINA or VLC, but, unfortunately Jellyfin doesn't recognise any new media in my designated library folders until a decent amount of time AFTER the entire file is downloaded and has it's correct extension.

Is there some way to watch as one downloads using Jellyfin?


I occasionally do some paid editing work in my home suite. I use a MBP and I just use whatever storage I have left on external drives or buy new ones as the project budget permits. Most of the time, my work is done on-site using a production company's facilities so it's not a big time operation here at home.

I also like to download and watch video over my wifi to to TV or my phone in other rooms of the house (don't typically move the laptop much). I tend to use the laptop's internal drive for that.

I'm beginning to outgrow my storage for both purposes, but only just. I could continue as I am for quite some time, deleting media at home after I watch it, and buying physically fairly small drives to put away in cupboards for work. However, I'm thinking I could fix both storage needs for a very long time by spending a bit bigger (but not MUCH), and getting a proper RAID. My mind immediately went to NAS, but it occurs to me that, that mightn't necessarily be the most cost effective or efficient way to go given the limited scope of my needs.

My home network is very slow consumer equipment, and I have no ethernet infrastructure at all. I thought I could maybe just hook the NAS up to the laptop via ethernet but then at that point, isn't that just DAS with the extra complications of networking? Would I need a switch between the 2? My home streaming is just done over wifi, since everything is compressed media anyway.

If I buy a decent thunderbolt DAS RAID and expose it to the wifi network via the laptop, would the costs stack up in terms of power consumption and wear and tear of the expensive lappy (given it'd be powered on nearly constantly)? Are there NAS devices that I can directly attach to the lappy for editing, but leave on and connected to wifi for home streaming? Would it need any additional networking equipment in that use case? Can I run jellyfin on it? I feel like a NAS doesn't make sense but would like help puzzling this out.


Excuse the basic questions but I'm not having much luck web searching for answers. I have the server running on my laptop which is also where the content itself if and I have an android phone with the mobile client installed via f-droid.

I can't seem to cast to chromecast with Jellyfin from either the laptop itself, or the android client app. The client app lists streaming to chromecast specifically as one of it's features in the description on f-droid.

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