Was legit surprised to see my local microcenter sold out when I checked today. Pretty sure they had multiple hundreds in stock and now there's only 1 left today.
Tried to filter out as much stuff that I find annoying as possible and block things as well. It doesn't get everything unfortunately but it gets close. I think the only thing that could make it better would be some kind of image scanning filter that would remove things from the feed if it detected them in a posted image or a website preview.
Pretty much just get a big bottle of it and stick the water line in the vinegar bottle and put it on top of the fridge. It should siphon through slowly when using the water dispenser. Another option is to use a turkey baster or something to push vinegar into the line but that doesn't work nearly as well.
Have a Samsung fridge as well. Every time the water/water line gets gross I just run some vinegar through it and let it sit a bit. That cleans it out well.
I see everyone suggesting revolt but what about teamspeak?
John for sure
Oddly enough I've never played ape escape but ape quest on the PSP was one of my favorite "forgotten" games. Dunno if you're referring to that one or a different one lol.
WipEout XL, Spyro 1-3, Crash 1-3, Monster's Inc Scream Team, Crash Team Racing, Frogger 2, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone, JetMoto, Herc's Adventures, Rugrats Search For Reptar, Parappa The Rapper, Ridge Racer, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, The Tomb Raider games, Twisted Metal, Toy Story Racer. There's a lot more but those are some of my favorites.
I think it's the automatic update icon. Shouldn't be related to safari.
It's a stinky binky
Not as far as I know most of the popular coins either use asic mining or proof of stake. Maybe they use them for memecoin or something idk.