Having a real hard time understanding Jesus of Nazareth existed but Jesus God Incarnate didn't, huh?
Patience, mostly.
No proof? I can't be bothered with this idiocy. Read a fucking book about ancient Rome around 33 AD.
Hey look, another moron.
Look at the list and fucking think.
That is not sound logic whatsoever, it's just mindless snark.
Oh ffs We are literally the most likely species to survive any of that.
Maybe ten thousand years. That last ice age ending literally changed everything but yeah, ok, let's pretend its hundreds of millions of years the same.
Maybe, just maybe, if things are not behaving as expected, then maybe the cause isn't what theory says. Look at that list of countries. All contain deserts. All of whom I was taught experience these temperatures when I was in school in the eighties. I'm fucking old with a long memory.
Are you seriously taking a common expression of exasperation to push some very specious theories about whether that man actually existed? The cult leader 2000 years ago most definitely fucking did, any other conjecture is Elvis Presley is alive conspiracy horseshit people like you pretend to abhore.
Apparently. Jesus Christ.
You seem dim