
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

That's not the logic behind my statements, however logic has a beginning, middle and an end. It leads somewhere. Just letting you all know where a version of this logic leads, and it is the logic of the mainstream dems. I'm not able to articulate the whole case, but I can point to a case study.

You don't have a monopoly on logic. In fact I guarantee you that I have studied more formal logic than most. The dems abandoned us years ago. I can't say your logic is incorrect as you also haven't described yours. You may be horrified to learn that we mostly agree, most likely.

But this goon represents exactly what is wrong with the dems: career political operators whose personal wealth is directly connected to their ability to run elections, and who have no incentive to win. In fact I could almost guarantee that your logic, or the logic of most regular working people, would be more sound than his. The incentives for dems are broken, the party is broken, time to move on and form a workers party. It's time for a new logic that abandons these sickos who aren't even that different from the republicans they pretend to oppose.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago (8 children)

This guy was screaming and yelling about how Trump was a fascist, and if you didn't vote democrat then that was equivalent to doing nothing in the face of fascism, or worse.

Not saying there aren't elements of fash in trumps admin, there obviously are; or that abstaining to vote was the correct strategy, I don't believe it was, though uncommitteds and 3rd party voters shouldn't be shamed for following their conscience

Just want to point out where these arguments actually originate, and where exactly they have lead. Maybe there is more to politics than handwringing and rending of garments about impending fascism -- maybe politics is something you do and not something you think or, god forbid, repeat uncritically.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

It was just a half baked joke, NEETs are based anyway

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Lemmy is LinkedIn for NEETs

[–] [email protected] 90 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

My baby niece started bobbing up and down when a song came on, happily waving her little fists and shaking her little diaper butt.

I was like "that's terrible, you'll never be a star, keep your day job you untalented hack!"

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

And good luck voting with your dollars

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

This is the comment I responded to initially: https://midwest.social/post/23827090/15643582

Capcom regularly puts out certified bangers. I’ll keep buying their games for as long as those games are high quality experiences are worth the money. They can learn about microtransactions by me not buying those lol.

I was agreeing with someone else, and was sarcastically called a "good little consumer." Which fine, but I'm going to respond. So no, the comment I initially responded to was not informing people not to buy, the next I responded to was a sarcastic remark, and the next was, I believe flawed, justification for why its objectively wrong to buy a game? Or buy it on day one, or something.

Is the objective to silence me? To make me follow along with a mainstream opinion that I don't agree with? I just want to play the new MH and not be made to feel bad about it.

Maybe I'm not as up to date on all the nuances of this argument, but how do you think I feel when I spend significant time and energy learning and educating about political theory and practice, just to have people disagree with me from a point of ignorance?

Maybe its just something you all are gonna have to learn to deal with, having people who share your interests but not your opinions disagree with you.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago

That's great for them, but what about my chuckles, what about my guffaws, what about my happiness??

Ever since it was taken off the air, I have been putting $30 in pennies up my ass every day, and then spending them. There are so many of my ass pennies in circulation, that surely the executives at comedy central and the creators of battlebots as well as anyone associated with this atrocity and their children, and their children's children have, by now, handled my ass pennies

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

I don't believe in voting with your wallet, I believe in organizing. Individuals can never stand against an organization. A large group of individuals doing what they think is right but not working together can't win against even a much smaller organized force. In fact I think that your idea is little more than propaganda to keep the masses weakened in the face of power that is intentionally organized against us.

But I don't play monster hunter to engage in political theory, I do it because it is a highly technical game with a steep learning curve. For whatever reason, a major stress reliever for me is to perform difficult actions with my hands. That's all I want.

We are all treat brained little piggies in our own way, it shouldn't be controversial. I don't play genshin impact but if you do, whatever. Like I said, I work full time, I have a life full of family and friends, and I volunteer my time and energy to make my community better. If I wanna spend $70 on one of the like 3 game series that I really like, I shouldn't have to justify that to other gamers ffs. The problem with the gaming industry is a problem with capitalism, its called the tendency for the rate of profit to fall. Enshitification has been a proven phenomenon about for like 150 years. Voting with your dollars is pointless when it is the dollars themselves which are the problem.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Yeah I know they have a theatre in Chicago I think, which is awesome. But I don't live there. That show was so funny

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (6 children)

Sorry I took time out of my week raising a family, working full time, and trying to build a mass movement to fight against the worst abuses of our economic system to enjoy something sometimes and that it offends your vendetta against the oil and gas Industr... Oh sorry I meant industrial agricult... Wait it's the gaming Industry? You're mad about a game? Okay buddy

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago (8 children)

I've been a die hard MH fan for like 20-25 years or something ridiculous. I'm gonna buy and play this game, don't really care what people think about the gaming industry

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