A mortal that has killed a god is still a mortal
Yeah, this one's a bit less obvious now that i think about it, here's my ~~pretty bad~~ drawing to hopefully make it clear
Not the case for me (at least for the original model). I used it a lot for a few month before it just... stopped charging, not with the supplied power cable, not with any other cable capable of charging it.
Weirdest of all it still detects usb-c for files & stuff, and charges with a phone cable, but the power delivery is so crap that it doesn't even show up as charging on the taskbar.
Sent it to general repair many times, they could not find out why it does that. It could be a windows problem, and i wish i was in the minority here, but it basically dead weight now.
Gonna try me best, anyone who know what it's trying to say can correct me
Sooo... A Cronjob for "git prune" to Honour Holy Barbs on December 4th?
Cronjob? Cronsob? Crondom? Tbh i dont know what it means even if spelled correctly...
They're most certainly are... But they tiny, so worst it can get are surface level scratches
I mean, how could we with the lead in our water
Since when was Ally X a thing!?
There are options for 2fa for desktop, for Windows and Linux^. You could have multiple devices with your 2fa codes, makes it not as bad if your phone breaks.
^ (though from my experience with the Windows ones they are not as robust, but they get the job done)
Edit: syntax jank...
Maybe? normally I set the screen to a low brightness level to reduce burn-in, OLED screens still look plenty bright at levels where LCD screens would straight-up be unreadable. I might need to get used to HDR though...
Me, even though I do have a compatible laptop screen... I don't want to risk burning the OLED screen.
Edit: might give it a try though
...At least there's no snakes, right..?
Isn't that one chromium based?
--From my experience of using it