It's crazy how much of the actual war was one mayor fuckup away from going completely different routes, from Rommel being stopped instead of becoming that semi mythical Wehrmacht leader in france, to the destroyer looking for an american sub leading scout planes directly to the japanese fleet at Midway, the whole war has so much crazy stuff.
joined 2 years ago
Dude Starfleet did not even realize a whole planet going AWOL until Khan told them. Explorers my ass.
When I was younger I loved Erich von Dänikens Ancient Astronauts stuff, later I realized it's stupid racist drivel.
Are you from the US? In Germany we use WhatsApp Threema or Telegram for messaging, nobody cares about some bubble colour.
Have whatever hair style you like
I found Firefox WAY before i found Lemmy, no Chrome on my machines, UBlock Origin, Noscript, Facebook Container, Video Downloadhelper, Firefox lets one retake control
Cyberpunk baby!
ahh, good times, good times
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