Tough mudder Pikachu
Being at odds with the bookie man is gambling with your life!
Or at least your kneecaps.
Some insurance companies have a discount or a lower pricing tier for low miles driven per day.
Have you looked at the blue book price you could get for it vs your loan payoff amount? If the blue book price is lower, you're upside down and should prioritize paying more per month. This gets it paid off quicker for less interest and then you have a solid paid off car that you could probably put 200-300k miles on.
Do you have a 401k and the ability to take a loan from it? You could refinance the loan using your 401k to get a lower rate, and then you're paying yourself interest. The catch here is being willing to stay at the employer until the loan is paid off. If you left employment before the loan is paid off, it could become a deemed distribution with a 20% early withdrawal penalty on top of regular taxes owed on the distribution. I normally don't advise getting a 401k loan because of risk of triggering that distribution, but there are circumstances where it could be advantageous. Your HR dept and/or plan advisor can help you out there.
"Lots of storage space!"
You are right. It is relative. I'm twice your age. 25 is so young to me. I didn't even really start having fun with adulthood until about 30. And I got into some shenanigans as a teen and twenty-something. Maybe that was more to do with leveling up the career until I had disposable income. Anyway, you may find yourself looking back on 25 and view it differently than you do now.
About the only time I can enjoy quiet is outside with birds & wind to mask my tinnitus. Inside, it's just E^eeeeeeeeeeeeeee^. So I keep background instrumental music playing most of the time.
I have hamburger to use up, so I'll probably make meatloaf. I have aluminum trays that are perfect for the 2 of us, so instead of one full size meatloaf, I make several little ones. The extras go in the freezer, then can go straight into the oven the next time I want one.
I haven't considered pancit for breakfast but I thank you for the idea. That does sound good.
I live in a city with a large Filipino community, and it rocks because nearly every restaurant (doesn't matter it's Italian, Mexican, chicken joint, or sports pub) will have lumpia on the menu. That right there is KittenBiscuit crack.
Agreed! I don't put bills there for that reason. I used to be the finance director for a large community event, very cash dependant. And we definitely got nasty sweaty boob money, money soaked in beer, you name it. The cash counting machines had trouble with it, so a lot had to be hand counted. Handling so much cash with mystery wetness was one of the less pleasant aspects of the job.
I was thinking 'bunblebee', but i like yours better.
I registered as an auntie on r/auntienetwork. Haven't been needed in that capacity yet, but my door is open. Speaking of... is there a similar community here? If not, would there be an interest in spinning something like that up?
Prisons have libraries