Discord just needs to accept that they won and rake in the profits. Surely there are enough nitro subscribers to keep the lights on
Can confirm scream was one of the first horror movies I watched and I just figured the rest were like that.
Blue But really I don't care unless I am playing a board game
This was literally how I was sitting when I read this.
Seinfeld because it is so rewatchable
What even is the purpose of pulling this scam on a site like amazon. 99% of the time the customer is going to return the item since it definitely won't fit in the socket.
still waiting for one of these implementations to actually be useful
This is bad news for discord users. Making it a public company means that all their data will be up for sale when the company goes under
The worst ones are when its some office or something and you have to listen to the voicemail and then call them back
Yea that is what I have been doing. Although it seems the smaller sizes are not a great deal anymore and I am hesitant to buy anything larger due to the long rebuild times
I'm glad companies are asking real world questions instead of the silly made up ones