There was a post some time ago where someone mentioned going to the doctor for an employer-mandated sick note and the doctor was so irritated by it, that they wrote the note demanding 3 days of bed rest, rather than the 1 that had originally been requested. Thought that was pretty classy.
This is employer dependent in the US, too. I can Slack my boss and say "I'm feeling under the weather, going to unplug and rest today," and she'll say "Okay, no problem, feel better!", and that's the end of the conversation. Definitely the exception to the rule, though; I think OP's situation is much more common.
With Activision Blizzard, anyone can say "Yeah, fuck those guys!" then buy the latest game when it releases, and nobody is the wiser.
With Tesla, they're getting vandalized on the streets. Insurance rates are hiking. It has social stigma attached. You can't buy a Tesla and hide the fact that you have it. It comes with social backlash.
Even the folks who had no intention of buying one can contribute to that public sentiment, and as long as that social backlash remains, it'll be effective at dissuading people from buying them.
Is he implying that he secretly hates Jews? Or placating to the haters in his voterbase that are anti-semitic?
I strongly suspect that it's not because it was a genocide against jews, but rather that it was perpetrated by Nazis, and he doesn't want to paint them in a bad light.
Nothing at all. DEI is just being used like a catch-all media buzzword to justify racism. To Trump, DEI means "Anything at all about anyone who isn't a cis white male that I don't like".
It's a hex placed on their family line in generations past, for some unknown sleight committed against a witch or something. They're cursed to forever burn any food they try to cook.
Maybe the dad doesn't know how to cook, either. It's just a whole family tree of dads who can't cook.
If he resigned and divested, maybe. He won't, but maybe.
9/11/2001 is the date the simulation was turned on. Everything prior to that is just programmed memories and fabricated history.
Which sounds worse:
- From the late 1900s
- From last century
Wouldn't it be easier to have stools available that a kid could pull up to the sink to use a normal height sink, than to have sinks that are exclusively useful by kids?
The bathroom argument that you made is akin to saying that folks shouldn’t feel entitled to bike lines / safe sidewalks because our cities were designed for cars and sidewalks and bike lanes are expensive for a tiny percent of the moving population.
Bike lanes are installed by the government using taxpayer funding. Bathrooms (in non-public spaces) are installed by private companies. Difference in expectations there, for sure.
I don't know that I agree with that. I guess it depends. For example, if they bought the land and let it return to nature, is that really morally wrong, especially given the remote location? Humans aren't the only ones who might want to use that land.