
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The channel is Jubilee. The format is that 1 fairly prominent political activist debates 20 people with an opposing position for a few claims the 1 has given beforehand. The 20 swap out who gets to debate at any particular time by voting them out.

I'll admit it is ragebaity sometimes, but I also find it educational and entertaining. There's typically about two among the 20 that have gone off the deep end, but everyone else is respectful and appreciative of the opportunity to engage the other side. Also, it does have good fact-checking so the crazies are at least recognized properly.

This is the video the image came from.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I also picked this up recently and am enjoying it a lot. Can't speak for the multiplayer, but the singleplayer is very good. There are a lot of meaningful choices and variety that keep things fresh throughout and between runs.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

If anything, it weakens their argument. To try to support their claim that supposed examples of antisemitism are frequently false flags, they show an example of someone making a roundabout claim that an arson attack on a mosque was a zionist false flag. And then that person was forced to withdraw their accusation from the backlash with an admission that it was "intended to be an academic exercise" and not substantiated by evidence.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

People are linking good guides to inventing the important stuff, but you should also know that you can download wikipedia. The text-only English snapshot as of 2025-03-01 was 25 GB, so fairly reasonable to include on a flash drive, laptop, or phone. Just make sure you charge your device before time travelling.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

My friends and I really like Civ 5, but we didn't get into 6 much and had some reservations about the changes in 7. I think we'll get it at some point, but it will probably be during a sale after some more polish (and maybe some mods to adjust some of the controversial changes).

But I've had the itch from the hype and I've been wanting to try some other turn-based 4X games. Old World is 75% off on Steam at the moment so I pulled the trigger yesterday. I've seen gameplay but I'm eager to try it myself. The narrative choices seem like they add a lot of meaningful decision-making that I want to explore. I also played some Age of Wonders 4 and have enjoyed that too, but there's a lot to learn with all the combat mechanics. It means there's a lot of replayability though.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

When you give blood, often the "wrong" answer will just have them ask a followup after you submit the questionnaire. Like there is one asking if you had recently visited any of a list of countries of concern. I selected that I had because of a trip to Mexico, but I was still able to give blood that day because when they later asked which region, the one I had visited was considered safe.

I expect if you had been bitten by a mosquito in a place where that isn't a significant concern and developed no symptoms other than the itch, you would probably be approved to donate. Receiving plasma is less dangerous than receiving blood so I would be surprised if the safety evaluation is more strict.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

When people criticise me or my actions, I have at least as much right to defend myself as you do to cast judgement and voice it in the first place. But the magnitude of the condemnation you expressed by your word choice is greatly at odds with what I have done.

I bought a game because I thought its value would be worth the price for me. Having used it, I've found my early assessment was right. You clearly have different expectations for a game to be worth buying, and my purchase makes it less likely that companies will have to cater to you in the future. I understand your frustration, but I have not wronged you or anyone else.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

I bought it the night before it released so I could download it and have it ready to play. At that point, I had played hours of the betas, had seen interviews with the developers, and had read various reviews that were overall very favorable. And just from playing it one day I'm very happy with my purchase.

I understand people disagreeing with it being a worthwhile purchase but calling it "shameful", "disgusting", or "disturbing" is actually really disappointing for me to see. It's just buying a video game when it releases. You can have a complaint about a product without being so judgemental about people who find it valuable enough to buy even with its faults. Let people enjoy things.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

They did the same thing with MH World too, and that's one of my favorite games of all time. Capcom shouldn't charge for things like appearance changes, but even so, they create games with huge amounts of value for the price tag. And most of that came from years of free post release added content. A feature-complete game with cosmetic bonuses available as paid dlc is not a problem. Failing to achieve that would be the reason to be concerned over microtransactions. I understand why microtransactions are unpopular, but they can be done well and without them existing, many great games would either not exist or have to be much smaller.

Also, for this specifically, there is a nexus mod that lets you change your appearance for free. There will very likely be a similar workaround with the new game if you have the pc version.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

During the betas at least, it was mentioned in at least one of the interview/preview videos that you could adjust your character whenever before release but after release it would cost money. Not sure how accessible the information was but it wasn't a total secret.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Riot actually has short stories, comics, and a few books on the lore of the world. It doesn't show up in the game beyond voice lines, but some of the broad strokes of the Arcane story had been all but confirmed for years. Legends of Runeterra is also a card game set in the same world that expanded on things by letting champions talk to more minor characters (other cards in that case). And they are working on an mmo that will probably dive into the lore much more.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

OP is not a man, and has yet to post the rock after 2 days. They're playing us for absolute fools.

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