There's almost a bit of humor in the DNC refusing to run a true progressive because they feared they'd lose that sweet donor money, and now it's going to be taken away anyhow. When will people learn you can neither control nazis nor expect them to have any sort of moderation or decorum once they have power.
That's not true. You absolutely can make folded aluminum flat again. You just have to melt it down. Which seems to be the solution people are taking to cyber trucks.
Not in this economy!
Well, at least they solved the body rust problem.
I've learned in hearing conservatives talk about the ammendments, that they can only count to two. So long as they start at two.
Considering RFK's obvious stupidity, I'm guessing you mean ist started as a suppository.
Your perspective makes you believe we're going in circles. In actuality, we're going down the drain...
Mind showing some build pics if you got them? I'm probably going to make one out of 1/4" plywood I have left over. Some build tricks would really help.
I know some people may hate Penn Jillette, but I really liked his take on it from his and Teller's show, BULLSHIT. Basically, they said, let's say it does, vaccines cause all cases of autism. It doesn't matter. The cases of autism are far, far outnumbered by the people saved by vaccines. So even if it were true, it's still a better outcome than an iron lung or death. They absolutely don't, but if they did, it wouldn't change the fact that we're better off vaccinating than not.
Sure one at a time, but what about one dozen starving crazed weasels?
Wear two pairs of underwear.
I started using the acronym RKBW for road kill brain worm.