
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Wow, I knew those that made Outer World yet didn't link to Avowed being their game

[–] 9 points 1 month ago

So that's why he fired a part of the devs when the game is doing so well, he never wanted it to have a chance

[–] 42 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

Well well well

Well well well loss

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

Bravo Tango 7274, going dark

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

Bluebee knew it was gonna be interesting

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

If you ever change your mind:

Step 1: Create a file in iCloud

Step 2: Choose this File as Vault in Obsidian

Step 3: Profit

[–] 16 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


[–] 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

You mean all the other methods that exist that can be implemented with ease? My friends have their notes on iCloud to sync, I amuse syncthing, others use GitHub. There is a lot of choice, they just offer an easy alternative way to do it

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I truly is evolving with me. I'm no power user, but I've been using it for the last two years. Eh e I am at school it's where I take my classes notes. When I needed to write to myself it was also there. I have it synched between my two computers and my phone. And it is where I put my documents like CV's and Excels I share. It's not directly Obsidian doing all of this. But basically it becomes a Hub of all I do.

Recently I started saving more pages online that are important as notes in Obsidian and still find new usage of Obsidian

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Yeah never heard about it, although I never watched Star Trek personally.

But did you know that we can extract Graphene by heating it up super high so that everything else gets destroyed except graphene?

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I agree with you on that, especially since they added that you when you reload your weapon you have no mags. But more than once have I heard from people that play at very high level that the game and new agents are more Arcady than what the game was at its origin. Although now that they keep on nerfing everything that exsts the game is becoming more and more rigid and Tactical

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Yeah, it didn't make sense in my head, felt like I was also missing something so I went and learned about it


A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its power output. The concept is a thought experiment that attempts to imagine how a spacefaring civilization would meet its energy requirements once those requirements exceed what can be generated from the home planet's resources alone. Because only a tiny fraction of a star's energy emissions reaches the surface of any orbiting planet, building structures encircling a star would enable a civilization to harvest far more energy.


Made my first ever comic and for comictober, I don't know what exactly made me do it, I've never done it, I did a small crow in Aseprite a week ago and saw the post of Lunalopex and just decided to do it, You know what, thank you owiebrainhurts for making me start it


Pretty straightforward question! I know a lot of people went to Paris for the Olympics this year, and I wondered what you thought about it


Meanwhile Google:

I was working on CSR for google heh, funny


I, am trying to understand if I have habits. My definition of a habit is: "Something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it" from the Harvard Dictionary

And It might look weird written here, but, I am not certain I have Habits. The most classic example is "Brush your teeth every night and morning", but I don't see myself naturally going to do it and most of the time I forget this and can't seem to do it everytime a lot. So I can't take that as an example of a Habit.

I eat everyday. But I don't naturally go unconsciously eat every day. I forget every morning to eat, which makes me hungry at 12h, and at night I go est because I feel in my belly I need food, or because my Girlfriend is angry I didn't eat yet very late because she asks me almost daily.

Hell I adore coffe, but in the morning I can just fully not think about doing a coffee. And I do take a coffee almost daily but because I think about all my pack of coffees that I putted behind my monitor with my grinder. It's not a "natural thing I go do"? Because I can forget it if there is no joy stimuli for a coffee.

Ok last thing. I try to go swimming, but it's because my girlfriend reminds me I really wanted to delete my belly, or because I think about my ideal me being more in shape and less tired everyday (which I've seen results on that part before stopping for no reason 2 weeks). When I go to the swimming pool, I put my stuff in the same area of Lockers, not always the same but the same area because I won't forget. And I then go put my towel near the exit of the pool to dry myself when getting out of the water. Are those two things habits, or are those things logical choices that make sense in the current situation and I am overthinking this?

This is the longest question ever, but yeah, what's a Habit I think, I've been running the question in my head for a few weeks now


So I made a post a few days ago, where I felt weird about a job offer I found, but it was finally someone that wanted me to work for them, so I went to meet the person. Thanks to people here reminding me to record everything I have the whole discussion by text but also recorded everything when I meet this person (And the audio quality is good and we see their name and face in the video! Woohoo!) Since Saturday I went around the cities around and took off all the paper advertizing on the walls for this company

Not going to lie I am quite sad, I really want to work and tired of not getting answers when I am highly motivated

So, Here is for your fun, all the messages with this POS, I don't know if we have a Community for Scammer posts so I am posting here!

(Yes, you read well SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS, whaaaat is this guy taking)

My last two messages wrote: "The number you have dialed is currently unassigned. Make sure you have the right number and try again." I was really lucky to wake up at the right time where he wrote to me to copy paste the text and make it look like It was a machine responding.


It's a student job. Only 3 hours a week, and i'm gone (already wow) from the uk in 3 months and hte pay is around 7.5 pound an hour. The money from the events go to the people in the community in need. But I am a little uncertain about that as they are not working with an association specifically (uncertain?)

Now there is no contract, I'm meeting the guy at Asda tomorrow where he'll give me the flyers and the pay is in cash.Which means to me if I'm not wrong that there won't be any contract? So if I don't get paid for my work, or I learn anything shady about them (I checked already, no red flargs except their major event last year didn't do so good), I can just leave right?


Hello UKCasual, I'm currently looking for part-time job for 20 hours and thought that some of you might be searching for someone or know someone in need of a person. I am highly motivated and truly eagered to work and in action. It would be a pleasure to discuss this further if you are interested. I am able to Remote-Work if needed!

I'll be deleting this post in one week; it's temporary. My goal is simply to find a job.

PS: If the work attire requires me wearing a Dress Shirt, please tell me, as I'll need to buy new ones


Like, anyway we could permanently change the patern on a finger?


So I went to try Nando's in the UK, because I've heard a lot about PERi-PERi Chicken in the least months I went there and I have to say I was confusd on what I received for the price

The Image I clicked on:

What I clicked on

Now the Burger was insanely good, but wow prices are so high here, I fought 9.25 pound was a full meal

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Hello, I've decided to finally get the answer, and go get tested, someone posted a comic of @cypopps a few days ago here and I read all their creations because it connected a lot with me. But I am a bit lost in how to find where to do a Diagnostic in the UK, I see the word "Assesment" and "Diagnostics" which seems to be two different things? The Places in my region do "Assesments" some mostly for kids, other for Young Adults which Is what I found I fould The Assessment Team near me, but it seems crazy to me. Does it actually cost 2500 Pound to get tested? It costs 40 Euro in France

I thought it would be faster in the UK to get tested from what I saw in the UK compared to France but I am confused on the Wording and the Price


Had this reflection that 144hz screens where the only type of screen I knew, that was not a multiple of 60. 60 Hz - 120hz - 240hz - 360hz

And in the middle 144hz Is there a reason why all follow this 60 rule, and if so, why is 144hz here

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