There's been a significant, internationally tested drop in functional literacy skills in the last decade or so.
Related story, basically the hardest I laughed during covid.
Being a good Vancouverite, when those convoy fucks wanted to parade around and honk at hospitals, hundreds or thousands of us with bikes got in their way and kept them away from the hospitals.
Okay, so we're blocking an arterial and some convoy fuck is screaming at us about how, in his words, "we've got to protest smarter." He then finally realizes we have been politely letting non convoy cars through the lane next to him, so floors the accelerator and aims for that lane. But, he didn't shoulder check and slammed right into a car in that lane in front of a cop. So for the next however long we got to point and laugh while advising him about the merits of shoulder checking and how he needed to drive smarter.
Gotta love when an asshole causes a 100% fault car crash with no injuries.
I wonder if one of you is switching the words around from dead hang?
A dead hang is when you hold yourself from a chinup bar.
Canadians, season 1 is available for free on Gem!
Smells like OP didn't read the article but did see the words Blue Sky, and Ai and leapt to a conclusion.
What separates Bruce Wayne from other people apart from money?
The willingness to devote their lives to training in all forms of combat and gymnastics and push themselves past Olympic mastery (as well as all the esoteric knowledge and studying required to become the world's greatest detective.)
And here's the thing, if your theory were correct there should be multiple Batmen. It's bizzare to claim that somehow the existence of one billionaire means no one else is able to become one or devote their lives etc.
Just to make sure I understand your position... Your theory is that if other people had Bruce Wayne's money, they would spend it on advanced tech, weaponry and simultaneously devote their lives to training in all forms of combat and gymnastics and push themselves past Olympic mastery (as well as all the esoteric knowledge and studying required to become the world's greatest detective) and thus be able to save the universe when asked, despite no one else doing this? Like the only thing stopping people in the D.C universe from becoming Batman is because Bruce Wayne has more money than most people?a
Or, they only collect the dead ones from the surface. There's probably a veritable mountain of lifejacketless corpses on the silt.
I shamefully haven't watched much Voyager since it was on and my first thoughts were that Janeway met Santa and thus the show was a lot crazier than I remember.
(Yes, I'll make time next pandemic. Which RFK is doing his best to hurry along.)
Yes, he is the only billionaire.
Heya! Just wanted to say thanks. I tried Qobuz but had a couple of issues. Just tried Deezer and it's been fantastic, works with everything and my tiny little obscure bands are all there! It's like catching up with old friends I haven't seen in far too long.
Thanks again!